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November, 2018

Victory or null
Jeff Pitman's Survivor: David vs. Goliath recaps
Episode 9: Victory or null

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 26, 2018

The perfectly executed play of an idol nullifier was a fun twist, making the Davids underdogs no more in Episode 9 of Survivor: David vs. Goliath. But what cost will attempts at recapturing that magic in future seasons extract from the franchise?

Kaiser Island - DvsG
Episode 9: Do you like surprises?

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: November 25, 2018

Ryan recounts his shock and awe at the advantage avalanche the Davids pulled off in blindsiding Dan, but also his love of burger atmosphere and perchance, a hint of a new honorary Wanner?

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: David vs. Goliath recaps
Episode 8: The giving season

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 20, 2018

Episode 8's dramatic Tribal Council double-idol play (and split vote) was one of the best idol-era Survivor Tribals in memory. But did it also finally signal the evolution of idol play in favor of playing idols for others, instead of the holder? Plus a Brochacho physical threat level assessment.

Well, in theory... - S37
Episode 8: They're primed and ready to be Davids and Goliaths

By Pat Ferrucci | Published: November 20, 2018

Pat looks at the degree to which social identity theory and priming theory explain the contestants' reversion to original tribal lines in the dramatic Tribal Council double-idol play in Episode 8 of Survivor: David vs. Goliath.

Kaiser Island - DvsG
Episode 8: That Christian, he's wily

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: November 16, 2018

Ryan navigates the twists and turns of an episode that was all about Christian, but really only as a distraction in order to pull off an epic idol-aided blindside. With as many sandbags, pizzas, Culpeppers, and Dan pleases as you can handle.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: David vs. Goliath recaps
Episode 7: Changing fortunes at the merge

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 12, 2018

A complicated web of interlocking machinations led to a surprisingly lopsided David vs. Goliath merge vote. Despite the outcome, that seems like a good sign, as Jeff looks at how short-term prospects shift for a number of contestants.

Well, in theory... - S37
Episode 7: Angelina and the definition of (the opposite of) success

By Pat Ferrucci | Published: November 10, 2018

As Angelina's merge power play backfires, Pat looks to Robert K. Merton's theory of cumulative advantage (a.k.a. the Matthew Effect) to explain her overreach, and the conflict between short-term and long-term success in Survivor.

Kaiser Island - DvsG
Episode 7: What everyone RSVPed for

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: November 9, 2018

Three tribes become the singular (but double-named) Kalokalo tribe, and Ryan Kaiser is here for the merge shenanigans, mostly involving various Goliaths strong-arming each other, but also double (triple?) agents, art, and seagulls.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: David vs. Goliath recaps
Episode 6: The magic of misdirection

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 5, 2018

Wrapping up the pre-merge portion of the season, Jeff takes a deep dive into the ice-blue eyes and icier heart of Nick Wilson's gameplay. Plus shelter suggestions and clothes bartering strategic pondering.

Kaiser Island - DvsG
Episode 6: She deserves an Emmy

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: November 2, 2018

Ryan searches for meaning in a post-Natalie David vs. Goliath world, and finds some seeds of post-merge hope (even if it's not a strategy): A more villainous Angelina, a descent into madness on Vuku, a potential successor to James, and an entire tribe of Debbie-worthy balance beaming.

Well, in theory... - S37
Episode 6: The annual Merge-time Power Rankings!

By Pat Ferrucci | Published: November 1, 2018

With the merge upon us, Pat takes a break from the theory, and (re-)ranks the remaining 13 contestants in ascending order of chances to win, while roughly sorting into groups of impossible, unlikely, possible, and likely winners.


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