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September, 2020

Survivor's season of self-loathing  
Jeff Pitman's S4 rewatch recaps
Episode 13: Survivor's season of self-loathing

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 23, 2020

Survivor: Marquesas's final episode has a lot of big reveals: A purple rock, the season's victor, and the fact that this winner — Vecepia — had a season-long strategy that was almost entirely edited out, in favor of 'honesty and integrity' or something. Luckily, the jury (narrowly) pulled the correct rock.

Jeff Pitman's S4 rewatch recaps
Episode 12: Starvation inaction

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 19, 2020

The penultimate episode of Marquesas is a bit of a cautionary tale: against intentionally starving the contestants, against winning a car (with no food), and apparently against playing Survivor, which alleged hero Paschal views as diabolical.

Jeff Pitman's S4 rewatch recaps
Episodes 9-11: Who are these people?

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 18, 2020

After the fall of the Rotu Four, Marquesas lags a bit as the remainders of that alliance are slowly dispatched. There are still some bright spots, but the lack of character development for the departing contestants removes any real sense of connection.

Jeff Pitman's S4 rewatch recaps
Episode 8: Cutting the rope

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 12, 2020

This is it, one of the most important episodes in Survivor history, in which a ragtag group of underdogs assembles across original tribal lines to finally topple a dominant majority alliance. And the person the show gives the bulk of the credit to is, of course, the actual villain of the season, who almost blocked it. Also, despite being a key part of the plan, the ultimate winner was for some reason excised by the editors.

Jeff Pitman's S4 rewatch recaps
Episodes 6-7: I'm not here to play the game

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 8, 2020

The last pre-merge and merge episodes of Marquesas show an interesting juxtaposition, with consecutive boots of someone loudly not playing the game, and someone aggressively overplaying. The latter clearly establishes the model for future Survivor gameplay, but in retrospect, did his later win really change anything? Or was it just a more successful version of what stopped him here?

Jeff Pitman's S4 rewatch recaps
Episodes 3-5: The rise and fall and rise of Maraamu

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 5, 2020

In these three episodes, we see Boston Rob's first Big Move (blindsiding Hunter), a big move by production (a swap that Probst swears was already planned), and the beginning of the implosion of the previously unbreakable Rotus. There are some bright spots, some questionable choices, and one really ugly confessional by the guy CBS promptly annointed as the face of the franchise.


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