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May, 2024

It's time to vote - Anthony Cusumano's Survivor 50 contestant poll

Survivor 50: It's time to vote

Survivor 50 contestant poll

By Anthony Cusumano | Published: May 24, 2024

Guest author Anthony Cusumano (formerly beatles20147) introduces a massive poll in which voters can rank every living former Survivor contestant on a 5-point scale, as a measure of which alumni fans most want to see on Survivor 50. 50 will, of course, be the first all-returning-player season in five years when it airs in 2026, but casting for it will officially kick off this fall. And on that note, it's time to vote.

What a bumpy but fun ride - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 13: What a bumpy but fun ride

Survivor 46 Episode 13 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: May 23, 2024

Survivor 46 has at last crowned its champion, and Damnbueno is here to run through all the big whiffs, assisted victories, and surprisingly malleable jurors of the finale and the aftershow.

One more - Jeff Pitman's recaps

Episode 12: One more

Survivor 46 Episode 12 recap/ analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 20, 2024

After Episode 12, we now have just one episode of Survivor 46 left. The good news is, it's unlikely someone will be voted out in the finale while holding an unplayed idol, so we should have a different storyline. Although we did get one more person doing that this episode, to make four in a row. Yay, records.

Death seats and deadly idols - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 12: Death seats and deadly idols

Survivor 46 Episode 12 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: May 16, 2024

As Episode 12 of Survivor 46 delivered more reward haves and have-nots, another unplayed idol blindside, and the first shots fired in the Charlie vs. Maria war, Damnbueno tries to project where this is all going to end up when the jury votes next week.

The edit vs. in-game perspectives - Jeff Pitman's recaps

Episode 11: The edit vs. in-game perspectives

Survivor 46 Episode 11 recap/ analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 13, 2024

Episode 11 of Survivor 46 was the third straight episode in which Q was played up as the obvious boot, all as a smokescreen to mollify an idol-holder who was then blindsided instead. Similarly, the show's editing has been hiding a few things over the past few weeks ... for what purpose?

We need more speedbumps! - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 11: We need more speedbumps!

Survivor 46 Episode 11 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: May 9, 2024

Episode 11 of Survivor 46 was a series of almost-victories and perilous decisions, with a lot of bickering (and pizza) in between. Damnbueno recaps the plans that worked, those that didn't, and reassesses who is best positioned as the endgame looms.

Whither the withered Six? - Jeff Pitman's recaps

Episode 10: Whither the withered Six?

Survivor 46 Episode 10 recap/ analysis

By Jeff Pitman | Published: May 6, 2024

In theory, as we approach the final seven, the Journey Six should have been preparing to claim their final victim. But in reality, the opposite has happened, and Episode 10 of Survivor 46 marked the fourth straight episode in which a member of the Six left the game. What happened?

Are idols broken? - Screaming at the Screen

Episode 10: Are idols broken?

Survivor 46 Episode 10 recap/ analysis

By Damnbueno | Published: May 2, 2024

The new era has seen the most power come from idols that weren't played, as Damnbueno breaks down the recent history, and recaps the departure of another one from the game in Episode 10 of Survivor 46. Does the potential value of idols still outweigh the risk?


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