True Dork Times - Archives

September, 2019

Elaine and the art of paradigm repair
Well, in theory... - Island of the Idols
Episode 1: Elaine and the art of paradigm repair

By Pat Ferrucci | Published: September 30, 2019

Pat dives into the Island of the Idols premiere, specifically how the sociology concept of paradigm repair corresponds to Elaine's successful argument that it's dumb to vote someone out on Day 3 simply because they're likable.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Island of the Idols recaps
Episode 1: Everyone here has a story

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 30, 2019

The premiere of Survivor: Island of the Idols bounded with depth and energy from its new cast, even if the central twist for which it's named was a bit of a mixed bag. Jeff Pitman looks at what worked and what could use improvement with the new season.

Kaiser Island - Island of the Idols
Episode 1: What is this place?

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: September 27, 2019

Come, stare in slack-jawed wonder as Ryan Kaiser replays for you the events of the season premiere of Island of the Idols. Events you have seen before, but will still amaze you in their level of Janet stanning and Idol (mostly Sandra) worship.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Island of the Idols recaps
Pre-season: Giant heads - The TDT Island of the Idols contestant draft

By Ben Martell, Dan Otsuki, Pat Ferrucci, Ryan Kaiser, and Jeff Pitman | Published: September 23, 2019

The True Dork Times writers congregate and try to pick the winner of Survivor: Island of the Idols based on almost zero evidence. But that's no reason to avoid making what are probably ludicrously inaccurate hot takes.

Jeff Pitman's Survivor: Island of the Idols recaps
Pre-season: Who are these non-jackasses?

By Jeff Pitman | Published: September 20, 2019

Jeff attempts to sort the consistently compelling new contestants of Survivor: Island of the Idols into tiers of likelihood of winning. Which turns out to be pretty difficult, because they're all really good this time.

Well, in theory... - Island of the Idols
Pre-season: Here we go again ... let's do some predicting

By Pat Ferrucci | Published: September 18, 2019

As the premiere of Island of the Idols approaches, Pat has once again perused the cast bios, and ranked the new contestants' chances of winning based on this (and solely this) information. Who will climb to the top of Pat's highly scientific hierarchy?

Kaiser Island - Island of the Idols
Pre-season: Island of the Idols cast assessment

By Ryan Kaiser | Published: September 16, 2019

With barely a week and a half left until the premiere, Ryan is eager to get rolling with Island of the Idols, and, armed mostly with their CBS bios, has put together a brisk run-down of which new castaways among the cast may soon have their own giant wooden head statues.


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