Brad Culpepper - Survivor: Blood vs Water, Survivor: Game Changers

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 53.5 | Wins: 0 | Final Three: 1

  • Survivor 27: Blood vs. Water (2013) - 15th place, 6th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 4, "One Armed Man and Three Moms" (Day 10).
  • Eliminated in Episode 6, "One-Man Wrecking Ball" (Day 14).
  • Cumulative longevity totals: In-game - 10.5 days; Redemption Island - 4 days.

  • Survivor 31: Cambodia - Second Chance (2015) - part of the voting pool, but did not place within the top 10 male candidates for slots. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it, though! CBS knows better.

  • Survivor 34: Game Changers (2017) - 2nd place, three jury votes.
  • Received three jury votes to finish 2nd (7-3-0) in Episode 14, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" (Day 39).

Brad Culpepper on social media: None found

Brad Culpepper - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S27: Blood vs Water 0.25 1.55 0.16 4 4 5 0.78 2.80 - - - 0.94 3.05
S34: Game Changers 6.56 12.81 0.51 8 2 12 0.67 3.11 3 10 0.30 1.48 11.47
Career 6.81 14.35 0.47 12 6 17 0.70 3.02 3 10 0.30 1.48 7.32


Brad Culpepper - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Brad Culpepper - Challenge record

Sumo at Sea - Ep3 RC/IC

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-4):

  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Blue Lagoon Bustle" - Swims and rows for Tadhana, which loses.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 2 RC/IC: "In The Barrel" - One of three barrel rollers for Tadhana, which loses again.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Sumo at Sea" - Beats Gervase in his bout, but Tadhana loses once again.
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 4 RC/IC: "Boats, Brains and Brawn" - Paddles for Tadhana, Tadhana loses again.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Blood vs. Water: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-2; 1 2nd):

  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 5 duel: "A Game of Bridge" - Narrowly finished second to John, stayed alive (2nd*/3).
  • Blood vs. Water Ep. 6 duel: "A Numbers Game" - Finished third, was eliminated (3rd/3).

Serpent Turf - Ep2 RC/IC

Tribal/team challenge record (8-for-13):

  • Game Changers Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Blue Lagoon Bustle" - Crosses various obstacles, and Nuku wins!
  • Game Changers Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Serpent Turf" - Hauls the giant snake, and Nuku wins again.
  • Game Changers Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Austin's EOC" - Now with New Mana, works the puzzle, but Mana loses (3rd/3).
  • Game Changers Ep. 4 IC: "Ow Pairs" - Caller and plates a ball on the table maze for Mana, but Mana loses.
  • Game Changers Ep. 5 RC: "Unchained Medley" - Waits in vain to work the slide puzzle; Mana loses (3rd/3).
  • Game Changers Ep. 5 IC: "Box Car Blues" - Rolls the cube, hits final three targets, and Mana wins (1st/3).
  • Game Changers Ep. 6 IC: "Cargo Salvage" - Now with Mana (again), hauls stuff, and Mana wins!
  • Game Changers Ep. 7 RC: "Dulcimer Stomp" - Lands two shots with the final catapult, but Mana loses.
  • Game Changers Ep. 7 IC: "Plunge, Pop, Pull" - Dives and retrieves buoys, and eventually, Mana wins.
  • Game Changers Ep. 9 RC: "New School" - With Sarah, unties knots and hauls the net for the losing team.
  • Game Changers Ep. 10 RC: "O Black Water" - Crosses obstacles, retrieves the hook for the winning team.
  • Game Changers Ep. 11 RC: "Angry Chair" - With Zeke & Andrea, works the word puzzle for the winning team.
  • Game Changers Ep. 12 RC: "Full Tilt Boogey" - With Brad & Aubry, crosses obstacles for the winning team.


Can't Buoy Me Love - Ep12 IC

Individual challenge record (5-for-10): (Mean % finish: 73.1%)

  • Game Changers, Ep. 8 IC: "Keep on Your Toes" - Ninth person to drop out (5th/13).
  • Game Changers, Ep. 9 IC: "Get a Grip" - Second to drop out, very quickly (11th/12).
  • Game Changers Ep. 10 IC: "Got a Hunch" - One of ten people to not beat Troyzan (tie-2nd/11).
  • Game Changers Ep. 11 IC: "High Step and Stack" - One of nine people to not beat Andrea (tie-2nd/10).
  • Game Changers Ep. 12 IC: "Can't Buoy Me Love" - Outlasts even Tai, and Brad wins immunity! (1st/9).
  • Game Changers Ep. 13 F8 IC: "Teeter Tower" - One of several people to not win (tie-2nd/8).
  • Game Changers Ep. 13 F7 IC: "Vertigo" - Fourth to reach the puzzle stage, but somehow, Brad wins (1st/7).
  • Game Changers Ep. 14 F6 IC: "Maybe I'm A Maze" - First to reach the puzzle stage, Brad wins again (1st/6).
  • Game Changers Ep. 14 F5 IC: "Spoon Man" - Places all three balls, only person to place any; Brad wins (1st/5).
  • Game Changers Ep. 14 F4 IC: "Final Four-titude" - First to start the puzzle, Brad wins again (1st/4).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-1; 1 2nd): (Mean % finish: 66.7%)

  • Game Changers Ep. 4 RC: "Ram-Ball On" - Tosses sandbags at pipes for Mana, finishing second (2nd*/3). (Officially a Hero challenge, scored like a duel, because only two people per tribe competed.)
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 8
Played: 17
Win%: 0.47
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 10
Win%: 0.50
Mean% Finish: 73.1%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 0
2nd place: 2
Played: 3
Win%: 0.00
Mean% Finish: 56%


Brad Culpepper - Tribal Council record

Ep.4 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 3: John shared the second clue details with him, but neither one appeared to look for the idol after this.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (4/5):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 (M1) Laura B Laura Boneham (voted out, 6-2-1-1) Yes
Ep1 (D3) Marissa Marissa Peterson (voted out, 8-1) Yes
Ep2 Rachel Rachel Foulger (voted out, 5-2-1) Yes
Ep3 John John Cody (voted out, 6-1) Yes
Ep4 Ciera Brad Culpepper (voted out, 3-3; 3-1) -


VAP - Votes against (4):

  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 1 (Morning 1): One vote, from Marissa.
  • Blood vs. Water, Ep. 4: Three votes, from Caleb, Ciera and Katie (voted out, 3-3 [3-1]).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Blood vs. Water: None.

Final Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Game Changers: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (8/12):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep3 Caleb Caleb Reynolds (voted out, 5-1) Yes
Ep4 Malcolm Malcolm Freberg (idoled out, [0]-5) Yes
Ep8 Hali Hali Ford (voted out, 7-4-2) Yes
Ep9 Ozzy Ozzy Lusth (voted out, 7-4-1-1) Yes
Ep10 Andrea Debbie Wanner (voted out, 6-5) -
Ep11 Tai Zeke Smith (voted out, 5-3-2) -
Ep12 Andrea Sierra Dawn Thomas (voted out, 6-3) -
Ep13 (F8) Andrea Andrea Boehlke (voted out, 6-2) Yes
Ep13 (F7) Michaela Michaela Bradshaw (voted out, 4-2-1) Yes
Ep14 (F6) Aubry Cirie Fields (idoled out, 0-0-0; not immune) -
Ep14 (F5) Aubry Aubry Bracco (voted out, 4-1) Yes
Ep14 (F4) Tai Tai Trang (voted out, 3-1) Yes


VAP - Votes against (2):

  • Game Changers, Ep. 13 (F8 vote): Two votes, from Andrea and Aubry.


Jury votes received (3/10):

  • Game Changers, Ep. 14: Received three votes, from Ozzy Lusth, Debbie Wanner, and Sierra Dawn Thomas, to finish in second place (7-3-0).
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: 0
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 12
Tribals: 17
VAP: 6
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: 3
Total jurors: 10


Brad Culpepper - Pictures
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Blood vs. Water intro shot
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Blood vs. Water intro shot
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    S27 CBS pre-game interview, with Monica
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Night zero, getting boated in with Monica
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Arriving with Monica, Morning 1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Morning 1, pre-tribal split, letting Monica talk to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Morning 1, tribal split, hugging Monica goodbye
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Morning 1, starting things off well by alarming his tribe
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Voting out Laura B. (temporarily), Morning 1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Laura B leaves Tadhana, Morning 1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Laura B leaves Tadhana, Marissa votes for Brad
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Now at Tadhana camp, swearing to give 100% in challenges, despite his earlier comments to the contrary
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    In camp, chopping bamboo
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Conspiring with Katie, circa Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Chatting with Vytas in camp, circa Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Waterfall showering with John, Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Oh my
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Broing down with Hayden, Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Brad attempts math, Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Learning about Ciera and Vytas's troubled pasts, Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Pre-challenge lineup, listening to Galang brag about making fire, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Climbing the net obstacle, with Hayden and John
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    With Hayden, helping Marissa over the net obstacle, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Back on shore, carrying the crate
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Watching the Tadhana puzzle table
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Not pleased with Gervase's celebrating, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Sad Tadhanas, post-Ep1 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Reinforcing that he doesn't like losing
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Consulting with some incalculable fraction of his Five Guys alliance, Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Reminding the viewers that the women on his tribe are all pretty much interchangeable, Ep1
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Full Tadhana tribe, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    More fun at the Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Ep2, taking credit for teaching Tadhana to fish
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Watching Marissa not lose, Ep2 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Hearing Vytas's plan to target Rachel to get to Tyson, Ep2
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Wrapping up strategy talk with the Five Guys, Ep2
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana arrives for the Ep2 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Ready to roll, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Helping Katie gather bags
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Enduring another Gervase celebration
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Publicly planning future violence, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Heading to the Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Getting yelled at by Tyson, Ep3 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Getting yelled at by Marissa, Ep3 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Watching Colton quit, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Looking on as John gets another clue, post-Ep3 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Puzzled by all these people yelling at him, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Just got the second set of hidden idol clues from John.
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Oh well. Time to boot him, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Giving NFL-based tips on sumo wrestling, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Impressing Tadhana with his muscles/boxing
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Beating Gervase, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Watching Ciera lose to Kat
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Listening to Vytas accept blame
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Talking over which woman to boot, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    In the Culpepper household, a lightbulb goes 'bing!'
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Time to boot John! Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Filling in the pawns on the plan, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana, Ep3 Tribal
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Enjoying whatever Ciera's saying, Ep3 Tribal
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Pontificating about his brilliance at tricking John, post-Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Explaining his 'pairs at the merge' strategy (which does not include Caleb), Ep4
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    That's an impressive finger you have there, Candice, Ep4 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Looking away from the anger, Ep4 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana tribe, Ep4 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Heh, I just helped John. How about that?
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Bristling at John giving Monica a clue, post-Ep4 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Ordering Monica to burn the clue, post-Ep4 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Atta girl!
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Fun times back at Tadhana, post-Ep4 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Underwater, Ep4
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Not amused at Tyson's sass, pre-Ep4 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana dreams foolishly of but a single victory, pre-Ep4 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana takes an early lead
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Tadhana brings in their crates
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Angry Brad
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Subtly trying to work something with Ciera and Katie, Ep4
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Confessional explaining his voting plans
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Full Tadhana tribe, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    If we could just get rid of these two...
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    The tie vote targets, sitting through the revote
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Voted out, campaigning for good relations when he comes back at the merge, Ep4
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Snuffed. Ep4
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Confessional upon arriving at Redemption Island, current home of the Codys. Early Ep5
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Waving a white flag, Ep5
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    More fun discussions at Redemption Island, Ep5
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Pre-duel lecture from Probst, Ep5 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Making sure Monica doesn't swap out, pre-Ep5 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Semi-Survivors ready?
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Ep5 duel, first stage already in progress
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Battling Candice for second place, Ep5 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Listening to Candice's final words, post-Ep5 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Watching Monica get another clue to burn
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Back again, ready for the Ep6 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Starting line, Ep6 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Balancing on a beam
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Giving John a hug after the Ep6 duel loss
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Biting his tongue, post-Ep6 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Does this compare to the NFL? Eh, not really.
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Giving Monica a goodbye hug
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Mere burning is for idol clues, duh
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Parting salute, post-Ep6 duel
  • Brad Culpepper S27
    Blood vs Water reunion show
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Game Changers intro shot
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Game Changers intro shot
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Bonus Game Changers intro shot
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    S34 CBS pre-game interview
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    On the boat, Day 1
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Opening sequence confessional
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Yay, we're Game Changers!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Opening scramble
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Made it to camp
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Contemplating what Monica would do
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Watching Ozzy swim
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Digging deep
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Watching Debbie unlock stuff
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Almost there...
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Nuku wins immunity!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Enjoying Tai's chicken antics, Ep2
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maneuvering the snake
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Hauling asp
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Nuku wins again!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-swap lineup, Ep3
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Selecting new buffs
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    The new Mana tribe
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Talking about antiquing
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    This camp now has balls, too
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    One happy family
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Seeing where Tai's at
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Getting a late start on the puzzle, with Hali
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    The losing Manas
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Talking about getting Tai on board with voting Caleb
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Not really!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Heading to Tribal
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Mana tribe, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Talking to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Sierra
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Post-Tribal discussion, Ep4
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Trying to catch up
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Aiming for second place
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Mana doesn't lose!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Both losing tribes go to Tribal? Good to know...
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Making a splash
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Watching the table maze
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-Tribal discussion
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Math time with Brad
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Mana and Nuku, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Talking to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    No, none at all
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Tai plays his idol
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Probst
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    If you say so, Debbie
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Ready for the bow
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Is Debbie acting?
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Confused about Debbie's anger
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    More pre-challenge negotiations
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Moving cubes
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Just made the winning shot
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-swap lineup, Ep6
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Opening buffs. Tough luck, Debbie.
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    The new new Mana tribe
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Yay, Troyzan's here!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    We're two dudes on a tribe full of women
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Let's stick together
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Crossing the monkey bars
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Hauling puzzle pieces
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Mana wins!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Yay, immunity
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Building the ladder
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Racing Ozzy
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    The losing Manas
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Self-pity party back in camp
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Real talk with Aubry
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Also with Cirie
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Crossing the narrow sea
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Mana wins!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-merge lineup, Ep8
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Would Monica sit out the merge feast?
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Self-exile, with Tai
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Checking in with Troyzan and Ozzy
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Heading to Tribal
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Hauling nets
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    More hauling
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    The losing red team
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Waiting for it to end
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Surprised that Ozzy didn't win
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Heading to Tribal
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Aubry
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Blue team, starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Racing Tai
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Watching Sierra hook rings
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Blue team wins
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Reward feasting
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Making plans
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Fresh off the starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Trying to catch up to Troyzan
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Sierra is unhappy with Debbie
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Too bad, Sierra
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Debbie's plan
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Debbie
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Watching the votes roll in for Debbie
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    That shouldn't have happened
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Working the puzzle
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Blue team wins!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Yay, food
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Brad did, in fact
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Chatting with Zeke
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep11 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Post-Tribal questions with Sierra, Ep12
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 RC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    With Monica
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Taking the lead
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Brad's team wins!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Just picked Cirie to join them
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Loved ones reward strat chat
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Still going...
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Brad wins immunity!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep12 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Andrea
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 F8 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep13 F8 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Listening to Cirie
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, F7 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Michaela's done? (No)
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Brad wins immunity!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Safe at Tribal tonight
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, Ep13 F7 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Cirie has an advantage? (Not for long)
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-finale check-in with Probst, Ep14
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, F6 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Grabbing a bag
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Working the puzzle
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Brad wins!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Guaranteed a spot in the Final 5
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Just picked Sarah and Troyzan for reward
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Reward feasting
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Where it all went wrong
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pressuring Tai
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    More pressure
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, F6 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Bad news for Cirie...
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, F5 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Starting line
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    About to win, easily
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Brad wins again!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Sarah had better stay loyal
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, F5 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pre-challenge lineup, F4 IC
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Taking the lead
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Almost there...
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Guaranteed a chance to state your case to the jury
  • Brad Culpepper S34
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Checking in with Troyzan
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Maku Maku, F4 Tribal Council
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Arguing with Tai
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Morning 39 cheers!
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Reflecting on his game
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Heading to Final Tribal
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    The Final Three
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Pleading his case
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Reunion show, waiting for the vote reveal
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Sarah won
  • Brad Culpepper S34
    Full cast, reunion show


Brad Culpepper - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (9/16/13): "Monica & Brad: 'I Want People to Be Miserable'"


Post-game interviews

  • Rob Cesternino at RobHasAPodcast (10/24/13): "Talking with the Latest Player Eliminated from Survivor -- 10/24/13"
  • Gordon Holmes at (10/24/13): "Brad -- 'The Screaming Was Worse Than You Saw on TV'"
  • Dalton Ross & Jessica Shaw at (10/24/13): "Brad Culpepper Defends Survivor Strategy"

Pre-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (2/14/17): "Brad Culpepper: 'I've Never Played Real Survivor, I Had to Play with My Loved One, Which Is Totally Different'"
  • Josh Wigler at (3/2/17): "Brad Culpepper Is Playing for Monica"


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at (5/25/17): "Brad says he 'hated' watching himself on the finale"
  • Gordon Holmes at (5/25/17): "Brad and Troyzan: '(We Did Not Know) That This Jury Was Not Going to Be Bitter'"
  • Josh Wigler at (5/25/17): "The Curious Case of Brad Culpepper's Mustache"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (5/25/17): "Survivor: Game Changers Winner & Final 6 Exit Interviews"


Brad Culpepper - Bios

From his (and Monica's) pre-game interview with EW's Dalton Ross:

"Monica may have been eliminated early on Survivor: One World, but she feels her husband (a current attorney and former NFL player) gives her the edge this time around. 'I have to win,' she says, 'and I brought my shield, my armor, my guy to help me get to the point I need to be.' And Brad feels he has an advantage dealing with the elements after surviving the brutality of NFL training camps. 'The hotter the better,' says Brad. 'I'm hoping that it rains every day. I'm hoping it's 100 percent humidity, I'm hoping that it's 100 degrees.'"

From his (and Monica's) official CBS bio page: (8/21/13)

"Occupation: Attorney and retired NFL player. Played for the Minnesota Vikings, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears.

Personal Claim to Fame: My 21 year marriage.

Inspiration in Life: Monica, because she is selfless in her drive to improve our family.

Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: The outdoorsy types like Ozzy, Colby and the first time Skupin played.

Reason for Being on SurvivorRedeem my wife for being blindsided by Colton.

Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: I grew up in a stilt house on Dog Island in the Gulf of Mexico, spent 18 years in various locker rooms dealing with all kinds, and have devoted my last 12 years as a trial attorney, persuading people to understand my clients’ positions.

What Does It Mean to You to Play Survivor with Your Loved One? Monica means more to me than anyone in this world. While this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I will always place her before me as I would never want to jeopardize her Survivor flame."

Excerpts from his official CBS Game Changers bio page:

"How have you changed since the last time you played? I’m one year older.

What skills do you bring to Survivor that will make you a useful member of the group and what skills have you been learning since you last played?  I’m a worker. Self-awareness, to a degree.

What are you most proud of from the last time? Set up some blindsides that helped [my wife] Monica get to the end."