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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 8: "Expectations" Filmed: August 27-29, 2009
Airdate: April 8, 2010
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 8 detailed reward challenge spoilers/ spec
   The weekend ad shows two sets of challenges: One is Jeff Probst's "drop your..." non-merge fakeout, in which the tribes are seated on risers. The other is the mud challenge. Jerri's sitting that out, and is dressed differently than at the fake merge announcement (as is Probst). In the post-Ep7 preview, we see Sandra saying "Why are you blaming me and Courtney?" This seems to fit with the press release's statement that "the Villains begin to turn on one another after one tribe member makes a costly mistake at the Reward Challenge." If Sandra and Courtney are sitting that one out, and the Villains still lose, Sandra's argument makes a lot of sense. That would imply the mud challenge, in which at least Danielle and Jerri are sitting out, is for immunity. (Also, a fake merge makes much more sense as the reward challenge).

   So what kind of challenge is it? From the bleach ers, we'd guess something like Gross Food. (They should still have them sitting around from Samoa's gross food challenge).

Reward challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture
tricksy Probst
Tricksy little hobbitses have stolen our merge!
Heroes, liking what they see
Hooray! I can be free of these losers!
Aw, biscuits.
JT, not looking happy
Parvati, not so pleased.

   So who wins? Well, the press release pretty much gives that away: "Meanwhile, the Villains begin to turn on one another after one tribe member makes a costly mistake at the Reward Challenge." So, apparently, Heroes win reward.
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