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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 4: "Death by Coconuts" Filmed: March 23-24, 2007?
Airdate: June 21, 2007
Ep.4 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 4 detailed Expedition spoilers/ speculation
      Not much to go on, since CBS has been exceptionally stingy with the Pirate Master ads this week (one full-length airing, apparently, although at least Dreamer at Joker's Updates managed to catch it, plus it's up at's homepage, just not on Innertube). At least we snagged a five-second partial ad from TV. Still, what the full-length ad shows is that the expedition appears to be one of the more-prominently aired expeditions in the pre-show advertising blitzkrieg, now reduced to somewhat less than a trickle.

Leaving-the-boat pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
both crews (not much help) joe don, laurel on black crew  

    After rowing to shore, the crews seem to spend a bit of time at the Red Rocks area shown in the Dominica travel site's pictures. This could be where Cheryl picks up the black bottle seen in her intro scene.

Red rocks pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
jupiter, christa, laurel - black crew jupiter, azmyth? - black crew black crew Cheryl

   From there (or perhaps preceding this leg), there is the requisite sabotage area, which gives rise to the episode title, "Death by Coconuts." A big avalanche of them, across the trail. Naturally, since the black crew is shown crossing the coconut-laden path, they don't win. Isn't suspense great?

Sabotage pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
black crew christa again black crew jupiter with fake skulls  

   And finally, the treasure stage seems to take place on a beach, digging in sand. Surprisingly, the black crew seems to catch up enough to at least do some digging. But in the end, it's the red crew thast comes up with the chest, hoisted aloft by a grinning Sean. Red crew wins.

Treasure-finding pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
jupiter and christa again red crew - joy, kendra, cheryl, sean, nessa red victory - sean, ben
christa loses    
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