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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 4: "Death by Coconuts" Filmed: March 23-24, 2007?
Airdate: June 21, 2007
Ep.4 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 4 detailed Crews spoilers/ speculation
   Episode 4 crew summary (evidence discussed below):
Black crew (7): Azmyth, Jay, Joe Don, Jupiter, Laurel, Christa, Cheryl?
Red crew (6): Louie, Ben, Sean, Joy, Nessa, Kendra
Unclear: All the women except Jupiter, Laurel and Cheryl

    While the captain and officers (Azmyth, Jupiter, Jay) are on the black crew, the rest are randomly assigned. Who ends up where may determine who ends up returning with some exciting, coin-like props. So who ends up where?
   Well, all three men on the black crew were either pre-assigned (Azmyth, Jay) or shown (Joe Don). So that means the other three remaining men must all be on the red crew. Apart from that, ads show Laurel on the black crew. Still, with all this in mind, this seems like a perfect match for the crew divisions in the pre-show footage of (red crew's) Sean lifting up a treasure chest. So if that's the case, we have our crews.

Ep4 black/red crew pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
joe don, laurel on black crew red crew wins! red crew wins!

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