Rudy Boesch - Survivor: Borneo, Survivor: All-Stars

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 44 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

  • Survivor 1: Borneo (2000) - 3rd place, 16th out - 7th juror.
  • Voted out in Episode 13, "The Final Four" (Day 38).

  • Survivor 8: All-Stars (2004) - 17th place, 2nd out.
  • Voted out in Episode 2, "Panicked, Desperate, Thirsty As Hell" (Day 6).

Rudy Boesch (1928-2019)

Rudy Boesch - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S1: Borneo 1.62 16.10 0.10 10 8 10 0.99 2.33 - - - 1.09 3.95
S8: All-Stars 0.20 0.57 0.35 1 3 2 0.36 2.00 - - - 0.72 2.20
Career 1.82 16.66 0.11 11 11 12 0.91 2.28 - - - 1.01 3.19


Rudy Boesch - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Rudy Boesch - Challenge record

Buried Treasure - Ep4 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (4-for-11; 3 sit-outs):

  • Borneo Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Quest for Fire" - Close race, but Tagi loses.
  • Borneo Ep. 2 RC: (Unaired, unnamed, but similar to "Shoulder the Load") - Tagi loses again, apparently.
  • Borneo Ep. 2 IC: "Buggin' Out" - Stacey wins the tie-breaker against Gervase, and Tagi wins.
  • Borneo Ep. 3 RC: "In From the Deep" - Tagi wins fishing gear.
  • Borneo Ep. 3 IC: "Rescue Mission" - One of Tagi's stretcher carriers, but Tagi loses.
  • Borneo Ep. 4 RC: "SOS Signal" - Makes a floating arrow, does a lot of sitting, Tagi wins.
  • Borneo Ep. 4 IC: "Buried Treasure" - Digs with Hatch on the final leg, and Tagi wins again.
  • Borneo Ep. 5 RC: "Choose Your Weapon" - Sits out, Tagi loses.
  • Borneo Ep. 5 IC: "Shipwrecked" - Does not get rescued by Kelly before Tagi loses again.
  • Borneo Ep. 6 RC: "Abandoned Barracks" - Sits out, and thanks to Hatch, Tagi loses again.
  • Borneo Ep. 6 IC: "Obstacle Course" - Sits out as Tagi wins. Gets the idol from Snake Island, though.


Squared Off - Ep9 IC

Individual challenge record (1-for-14): (Mean % finish: 45.5%)

  • Borneo Ep. 7 IC: "Snake Island Relay" - Sixth out in first round, at 1:18 mark (5th/10).
  • Borneo Ep. 8 RC: "Survivor Archery" - One of three people to completely miss the target (tie-7th/9).
  • Borneo Ep. 8 IC: "End of the Line" - Not among the leaders (tie-6th/9).
  • Borneo Ep. 9 RC: "Out on a Limb" - Not among the two leaders, apparently (tie-3rd/8).
  • Borneo Ep. 9 IC: "Squared Off" - Somehow, Rudy wins! (1st/8).
  • Borneo Ep. 10 RC: "Bamboozled" - With Kelly & Colleen, eliminated in the first round (tie-5th/7).
  • Borneo Ep. 10 IC: "Fast Fire" - Better than Gervase, but not the winner (tie-2nd/7).
  • Borneo Ep. 11 RC1: "Survivor Quiz" - With Colleen, eliminated just before final round (tie-3rd/6).
  • Borneo Ep. 11 RC2: (weight loss guessing) - Rudy's guess is off by 6 lbs (4th/6).
  • Borneo Ep. 11 IC: "Walk the Plank" - First off, to avoid Hatch's singing, at 90 minutes (6th/6).
  • Borneo Ep. 12 RC: "Mud Pack" - Least mud gathered, at about 10 pounds (5th/5).
  • Borneo Ep. 12 IC: "Witch Hunt" - "I dunno" if Rudy would ever have finished (5th/5).
  • Borneo Ep. 13 F4 IC: "Fallen Comrades" - Gets 5/9 right, one more than Hatch (3rd/4).
  • Borneo Ep. 13 F3 IC: "Hands on a Hard Idol" - Outlasts Hatch's quit, but absent-mindedly takes his hand off at 4 hrs, 11 minutes, losing to Kelly (2nd/3).


Redemption/Exile Island duel record: (0-for-0)

  • Borneo: None.

Float Your Boat - Ep2 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (1-for-3):

  • All-Stars Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Quest for Fire" - Saboga loses big (3rd/3).
  • All-Stars Ep. 2 RC: "Stairway to the Stars" - Saboga wins, gives reward to both other tribes (1st/3).
  • All-Stars Ep. 2 IC: "Float Your Boat" - Saboga is dead last once again (3rd/3).


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • All-Stars: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • All-Stars: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 14
Win%: 0.36
Sat out: 3
Individual challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 14
Win%: 0.07
Mean % Finish: 45.5%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -


Rudy Boesch - Tribal Council record

F3 Tribal Council

Idols held/played: (0/0)

  • Borneo: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (10/10):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Sonja Sonja Christopher (voted out, 4-3-1) Yes
Ep3 Stacey Stacey Stillman (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep5 Dirk Dirk Been (voted out, 4-1-1) Yes
Ep7 Gretchen Gretchen Cordy (voted out, 4-1-1-1-1-1-1) Yes
Ep8 Greg Greg Buis (voted out, 6-3) Yes
Ep9 Jenna Jenna Lewis (voted out, 4-3-1) Yes
Ep10 Gervase Gervase Peterson (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep11 Colleen Colleen Haskell (voted out, 4-2) Yes
Ep12 Sean Sean Kenniff (voted out, 4-1) Yes
Ep13 Sue (F4 vote) Sue Hawk (voted out, 2-2 [2-0 on revote]) Yes
Ep13 -* (F3 vote) Rudy Boesch (voted out, 1-0) -
10* TOTALS 10

*Because Rudy was unable to vote himself, no TCA charged.


VAP - Votes against (8):

  • Borneo, Ep. 1: Three votes, from Kelly, Stacey, and Sonja.
  • Borneo, Ep. 3: Two votes, from Kelly and Stacey.
  • Borneo, Ep. 5: One vote, from Sean.
  • Borneo, Ep. 7: One vote, from Gretchen.
  • Borneo, Ep. 13 (F3 vote): One vote, from Kelly (voted out, 1-0)*.


Jury votes made (1/1):

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • All-Stars: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (1/2):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Tina Tina Wesson (voted out, 4-2) Yes
Ep2 Ethan Rudy Boesch (voted out, 3-2) -


VAP - Votes against (3):

  • All-Stars, Ep. 2: Three votes, from Jenna L, Jerri, and Ethan (voted out, 3-2).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • All-Stars: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 11
Tribals: 12
VAP: 11
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: -


Rudy Boesch - Pictures
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Borneo intro shot
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Day 1, discussing Tagi's camp set-up priorities
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Helping Tagi's fire-making effort
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    More listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Hauling Tagi's raft
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi hits the beach
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    First challenge lost, heading back to camp
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Waiting for Tribal
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi, first-ever Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst, with Hatch and Sue
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Me and Rich are gettin' to be buddies...
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    ...(chatting with Hatch)...
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    ...not in a homosexual way, that's for sure
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Helping Hatch out with some sunscreen
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching Probst unveil the delicacies du jour, Ep2 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Sneaking food in the kitchen, Ep3
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I seen Dirk out readin' his Bible today. I didn't know he brought a Bible.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to the Ep3 RC treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Starting line, Ep3 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi wins fishing gear reward
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Victory dance
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Eating rice, with Kelly & Hatch
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi heads to the Ep3 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Hauling Tagi's stretcher, Ep3 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    At the finish line, a few moments too late
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Voting out Stacey, Ep3 Tribal
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Hatch's distress signal plans, Ep4
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Trying to get Probst's attention, Ep4 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Yay, Tagi wins Ep4 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching the unboxing of Tagi's loot
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Alliances? I don't like 'em. Ep4
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi, heading to the Ep4 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Starting line, Ep4 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Going over the map with Hatch and Dirk
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Digging, with Hatch
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi wins immunity!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Celebrating with the idol
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I don't know why Dirk would bring a Bible out here. I might bring one for toilet paper.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Hatch evade Probst's inquiry into alliances, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    So long, Dirk
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi takes a 'Pagong Day,' early Ep6
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Doesn't much care about Hatch being naked, but he doesn't like it, either
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    The alliance plans for the merge
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi discusses the Ep6 RC treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Opening the dogfood can
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    We have a dupli-what?
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Visitors show up in camp, Ep6
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    There's a military-designed obstacle course in the next challenge? Eh, I'll pass
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi arrives, Ep6 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching the Ep6 IC (as he did the RC) from the sidelines
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Tagi wins immunity!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Collecting the idol from a snake-infested island, for no apparent reason
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Yay, we didn't die!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Noticing that Jenna is at Tagi camp, early Ep7
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Having all these new people at our camp is a pain in the ass
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Ready to go, Ep7 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    So far so good
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana tribe, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Taking a nap while Sean talks
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Checking out how much rice they have left, early Ep8
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Oh, Probst is at our camp?
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Yay, our camp has TV now!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Enjoying the previews of the videos from home
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Stoically watching his wife's message
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Assembling mere feet from camp for the Ep8 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching Kelly shoot, Ep8 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Greg and his sister seem to be talking about incest. I don't like it.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Yeah, we have to put up with Greg for another two weeks, then we might have to kill him
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Cooking rice
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Starting line
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Waiting for the votes to be tallied
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Hanging out with his alliance, early Ep9
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    'I liked Rich before I found out he was queer'
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I hope everyone likes this burned stingray
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana arrives, Ep9 RC reward preview
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge instructions from Probst, Ep9 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Survivors ready...
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Eating rice for dinner. Same as he does every night.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    So far so good
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Getting an assist as Sean takes out Jenna
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Foregone conclusion at this point
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rudy wins immunity!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Receiving his necklace from Gervase
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Ha ha! You won, Rudy!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Grumbling about these girls playing dress-up like it's third grade
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Who wants to see me wear my necklace?
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    It was supposed to be Gervase last night, but they changed it to Jenna. Early Ep10.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Sean announce he's done voting alphabetically
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I don't think it's right Gervase having kids out of wedlock. In my day, the girl would have an abortion.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Starting line, round 1
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching Gervase share his reward slice of pizza
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    That's the problem with things today, kids don't have parents around...
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana arrives, Ep10 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Fire-lighting stage... go!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Trying to light his fire
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Looking away as Probst brings up alliances again
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Re-affirming a final two pact with Hatch, early Ep11
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    In the challenge we can use our brains not our muscle. My brain's not so hot, but I'd rather use that than my muscles.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Ep11 RC, now underway
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    So far, so good
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    So long, Sue
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching Probst tell Sean what he's won
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Looks like Sean's yacht is finally here
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pretending not to hear Sue tell Sean to grow some balls
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Eating some rice while Hatch and Sean eat yacht food
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Bye, Sean's dad!
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Go! Or... uh, stay there
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching the rest of the Ep11 IC from the sidelines
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching Sean and Kelly argue, Ep11 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Waiting for the votes to be tallied
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Making vague threats against anyone who betrays him, early Ep12
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    With Sue, collecting the Ep12 RC treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Starting line, about to get dirty
  • Rudy Boesch S1
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Watching the final weigh-in
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Heading back to camp, muddy
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I been muddy before, but never like this
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Everyone goes to check the Ep12 IC treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Contemplating the treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst's stories, Ep12 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst, immediately forgetting doing so
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Starting line, Ep12 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Racing to answer a question
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I dunno
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Not enjoying the rain, either
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rattana, Ep12 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Telling Hatch he'll shake hands when this is over, then never talk to him again
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Getting shaved by Sue, morning of Day 37
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I couldn't wait to get rid of that thing
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Heading to check the F4 IC treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to the treemail
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    This challenge will be questions about the other people. I don't know, and I don't care.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Sitting around, waiting for Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Readu to start, F4 IC at Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    This smells like shirt
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Immunity seems unlikely
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    First of two votes for Sue, F4 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Early morning, Day 38. Heading to the final challenge.
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Muddy, walking across hot coals
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rite of passage almost passed
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Pre-challenge lineup, Final 3 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Getting started
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Still going... listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Not tempted by orange slices
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Huh, Rich is out
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Not dropping out just yet
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Enduring more chatter by Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Rotating to a new spot... whoops
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Shadows are moving in on Rudy
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I just made a million-dollar mistake
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Heading to Tribal
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Listening to Probst, F3 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Waiting to see for whom Kelly voted
  • Rudy Boesch S1
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    About to be snuffed, Ep13
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Final words: I made a huge mistake
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Jury debut, Final tribal council
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    I don't have a question, I just wanna say I made a million-dollar mistake
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Just holding up my end of the bargain
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Waiting to shake the winner's hand
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Final words
  • Rudy Boesch S1
    Final words
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    All-Stars intro shot
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    All-Stars intro shot
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Getting boated into All-Stars, with Saboga
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Second intro shot, Ep1 arrival
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Arrival at Saboga beach
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Reading the arrival treemail, with Saboga
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Not many supplies, but Rudy can handle it
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Early bonding in camp with Rupert, Ep1
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Rupert's all right
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    More hanging out with Rupert
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Listening to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Pushing (Jenna on) Saboga's raft, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Saboga finally reaches the beach
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Somehow, Saboga lost
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Saboga heads to the Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Soggy Saboga, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Listening to Jerri
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    More Ep1 Tribal
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Early Ep2, talking about Vietnam
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    More talking around the non-existent fire
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Raring to go, Ep2 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Sitting on the first log retrieved
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Saboga wins! Ep2 RC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Saboga lets the other two tribes have reward, too
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Yay, Saboga finally has fire
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    My ankle hurts a bit, but I'll be all right
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Hobbling around camp
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Next to Saboga's dock, Ep2 IC
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Trying to float Saboga's boat
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Saboga, lagging behind again
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Sigh, Saboga lost again
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Not looking forward to Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Saboga, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Listening to Ethan
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Talking to Probst
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Snuffed, Day 6 (Episode 2)
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Final words
  • Rudy Boesch S8
    Final words


Rudy Boesch - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • Possibly some, now lost to the transitory nature of internet news sites.


Post-game interviews

  • Don Oldenberg at The Washington Post (2/13/01): "And Now, 'Rudy, the Ultimate SEAL'"

Pre-game interviews

  • Tatiana Morales at (1/12/04): "'Old' Survivors Set For New Game"


Post-game interviews

  • Harry Smith at CBS's The Early Show (2/6/04): "Survivor's Rudy Gets Snuffed"
  • Angel Cohn at (2/12/04): "Survivor's Rudy Admits Errors"
  • SurvivorOz podcast interview (9/15/12): "Rudy Boesch Interview"


Rudy Boesch - Bios

From his official CBS Survivor: Borneo bio page:

"Rudy joined the Navy in April of 1945 and immediately volunteered for 'secret and hazardous duty' with the Amphibious Scouts and Raiders, highly classified naval commando units. In 1951, six years after Scout and Raider training at Fort Pierce, Florida, Rudy completed UDT (Underwater Demolition Teams) training in Little Creek, Virginia, and was assigned to UDT-2 (redesignated as UDT-21 in 1953). He remained in UDT-21 for the next 11 years. During this period, he completed numerous specialized schools and deployed routinely to the Mediterranean and Caribbean areas with the Naval Amphibious Forces. Rudy became a proficient combat swimmer and expert in small-boat operations. In 1962, Rudy was one of the 50 hand-selected officers of the original SEAL (Sea-Air-Land) Team TWO, becoming one of their most distinguished members.

In 1967, Rudy was advanced to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer and, between combat tours, served as the senior enlisted position of Command Master Chief. From 1968-1970, Rudy completed two combat deployments to Vietnam. Among his numerous awards, Rudy earned the Bronze Star Medal for heroic action during more than 45 combat operations. During and after his stint in Vietnam, Rudy was delegated the "Chief SEAL," and set physical and operational standards at SEAL Team TWO.

In the late 1980's, Rudy became the Naval Special Warfare Community "Bull Frog," a distinguishing award presented to the SEAL serving the longest time on active duty. Instead of retiring, Rudy was selected as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to USSOCOM. In August of 1988, Rudy headed to Tampa, Florida and entered into the "inner circle" of the Special Operations Command to advise on all enlisted matters of the Joint command. For his extraordinary performance, Rudy was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal - an award not often given to an enlisted man.

Master Chief Rudy retired from the U.S. Navy after completing over 45 years continuous activity. He was honorably discharged on August 1, 1990. Rudy and Marge, his wife of 42 years, are now involved in extensive volunteer work. In 1992, Rudy captained a 38' power boat during the Americas Cup 1992 event. In 1996, he captained a support boat at the Summer Olympic Games. He continues as a Red Cross Volunteer and drives support vehicles and performs essential services during disaster-relief operations. He is also a volunteer for the Virginia Beach Police Department. Involved with many organizations, Rudy is a founding member of the UDT-SEAL Association and a founding member of the Association's Board of Directors, having once served as their President. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Special Operations Fund.

Rudy currently lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He and Marge have three children, Ellen Marie, Patricia Ann and Barbara Jean, and one granddaughter, Kelsey. His birth date is January 20, 1928."

From his official CBS All-Stars bio page: (No changes from the Borneo one, above).