Joaquin Souberbielle - Survivor: Worlds Apart

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 16 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

Joaquin Souberbielle on social media: twitter | Instagram

Joaquin Souberbielle - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S30: Worlds Apart 0.84 1.69 0.50 0 4 2 -0.15 0.00 - - - 0.34 0.84
Career 0.84 1.69 0.50 0 4 2 -0.15 0.00 - - - 0.34 0.84


Joaquin Souberbielle - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Joaquin Souberbielle - Challenge record
Survivor 30 logo S30: Worlds Apart

Basket Case - Ep2 RC/IC

Tribal/team challenge record (3-for-9; 3 2nds; 1 sit-out):

  • Worlds Apart Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Ladder Daze" - Attempts to work the locks, retrieves the puzzle bag, but White Collar loses (3rd/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Basket Case" - Final swimmer, then sinks all five baskets, and White Collar wins (1st/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Dear Liza" - Helps carry and pour the bucket, and White Collar doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 4 RC: "Collar Blind" - Works the platform for White Collar, which just avoids being Brains-ed (2nd*/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 4 IC: "Houses of the Holey" - Places the first ball, and White Collar avoids losing once again (2nd*/3).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 5 RC: "Beach Balls" - Now with New Escameca, makes a catch, and Escameca wins big (5-2).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 5 IC: "Swing Break" - Paired with Tyler pulling the sled; Escameca wins big again.
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 6 RC: "Air Raid" - Hits one target for Escameca, but they lose, barely (6-5).
  • Worlds Apart Ep. 6 IC: "Shut Your Trap" - Sits out, as Mike and Rodney throw the challenge.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Worlds Apart: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Worlds Apart: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 3
2nd place: 3
Played: 9
Win%: 0.50
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Hero challenges/duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Mean% Finish: -
Joaquin Souberbielle - Tribal Council record
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart

Ep1 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 1: With So, received an idol clue from the "Deceive" choice, but did not find the actual idol.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/2):

  • Worlds Apart: None.


VAP - Votes against (4):

  • Worlds Apart, Ep. 6: Four votes, from Dan, Mike, Sierra, and Joe (voted out, 4-3).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Worlds Apart: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 0
Tribals: 2
VAP: 4
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Joaquin Souberbielle - Pictures
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart image gallery
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Worlds Apart intro shot
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Worlds Apart intro shot
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    CBS pre-game interview
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    White Collars, Day 1
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Getting talked into volunteering for the big decision
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    In camp, introducing himself
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    With So, choosing to Deceive
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    We can't make fire. Normally, we'd hire a blue collar to do it for us.
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Trying to open the locks
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Now hoping Max can catch up
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Challenge lost, ready to head back to camp
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Carolyn, you're not on my chopping block. But I won't tell you who is.
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Masaya, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    There was an uh... neutral box
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Not even close to looking at Max walking around naked, Ep2
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Wherever. Let's avoid that area.
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Almost catching up to Will
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Taking a shot
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    White Collar scores!
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Masaya wins immunity!
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Happily accepting the idol
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Listening to Shirin describe monkey sex, Ep3
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Annoyed with Shirin, again
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Showing Tyler his idol clue
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Starting line, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Trying to catch up with Blue Collar
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Almost there...
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Raising the platform for Masaya's second-place finish
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Calling Shirin a sociopath, for learning how to slaughter chickens before playing
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Masaya selects their Ep4 IC sit-out
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Placing Masaya's first ball
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Yay, second place again.
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-swap lineup, Ep5
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Luckily Probst said buffs
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Now with New Escameca, bro
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Watching Tyler make a catch, Ep5 RC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Making a catch
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Reward won, New Escameca heads to camp
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Broing down with the new tribe
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pretty pleased with the change of scenery
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    With Tyler, getting Escameca out to an early lead
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Swinging and breaking
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Escameca wins!
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Immunity, bros
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Listening to the thrilling saga of Dan's manties for the 12th time, Ep6
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Forming a bond with Rodney
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Cheering for Escameca
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    How did that miss?
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Trying to recruit Sierra
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Volunteering to sit out
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Escameca loses. Oh well.
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Checking in with Rodney
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Escameca, Ep6 Tribal Council
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Listening to Probst
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Eh, worth a shot
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    That shouldn't be...
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Facing Probst
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Snuffed, Ep6
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    So long, bros
  • Joaquin Souberbielle S30
    Full cast, reunion show
Joaquin Souberbielle - Interviews
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart

Pre-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (1/29/15): "Joaquin - 'I Love Women, But I Love Money a Lot More'"


Post-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (3/26/15): "Joaquin - 'I Should've Done a Million Different Things'"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (3/26/15): "Talking With the Latest Player Voted Off Worlds Apart - 3/26/15"
Joaquin Souberbielle - Bio
Survivor 30 logo  S30: Worlds Apart

From his official CBS Survivor: Worlds Apart cast bio page:

"Personal Claim To Fame: Living a life that has allowed me to overindulge and experience so much of the beauty the world has to offer.

Hobbies: Traveling, Sports and Fitness.

Inspiration In Life: Derek Jeter for his dedication, finesse and choice in women, of course. Favorite Sport: Football

Pet Peeves: People who have no common sense.

3 Words to Describe You: Outgoing, Charismatic and Social.

Which Survivor Contestant are you like: I’m not like any prior contestants. It’s the first time you’ll ever see anyone like me. I promise you will enjoy this.

If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why: Alcohol because everything’s better with alcohol. A speaker with music for entertainment and that’s all we really need. Add it together and we have a party!

Reason for Being on Survivor: I’m taking my talents to Survivor, to show the world my athletic skills and relentless will to win at any cost. Obviously.

Why You’ll “Survive” Survivor: I’ve always managed to find a way to survive in every situation life has thrown at me. I’m sure I’ll be just fine.

Why Will You Be the Sole Survivor: I’ll be the sole survivor because I have all the attributes it takes to win this game. I’m smart, social and unbelievably athletic."