J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Survivor 45

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 13 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

  • Survivor 45 (2023) - 13th place, 6th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 6, "I'm Not Batman, I'm the Canadian" (Day 13).

J.Maya Krishnan-Jha on social media: twitter | Instagram

J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
Survivor 45 0.95 1.65 0.58 1 0* 2 0.50 3.50 - - - 1.08 4.45
Career 0.95 1.65 0.58 1 0* 2 0.50 3.50 - - - 1.08 4.45


J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Challenge record
Survivor 45 logo  Survivor 45 challenges

Mud Crutch - Ep1 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (4-for-8; 1 2nd; 1 sit-out):

  • Survivor 45 Ep.1 RC: "Barge Simpson" - Swims and paddles with Julie, and Reba wins!
  • Survivor 45 Ep.1 IC: "Mud Crutch" - Works the puzzle with Drew, and Reba doesn't lose (2nd*/3).
  • Survivor 45 Ep.2 RC/IC: "Smash and Grab" - Grabs a key, and Reba wins (1st/3).
  • Survivor 45 Ep.3 RC: "Running Down a Dream" - Sits out, as Reba takes 2nd.
  • Survivor 45 Ep.3 IC: "Draggin' the Dragon" - Caller on the puzzle, and Reba wins (1st/3).
  • Survivor 45 Ep.4 IC: "Turn the Cage" - Helps carry the cage, shoots, but Reba loses (3rd/3).
  • Survivor 45 Ep.5 RC/IC: "Knock One Back" - Collects keys, hits a target, and Reba wins (1st/3).
  • Survivor 45 Ep.6 RC/IC: "Super Ramp" - Works block puzzle with Jake, but the red team loses big.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Survivor 45 : None yet.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Survivor 45 : None yet.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 4
2nd place: 1
Played: 8
Win%: 0.56
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Tribal Council record
Survivor 45  logo  Survivor 45 Tribal

Ep6 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0) | Advantages held/played (1/0):

  • Survivor 45, Ep. 5: Talks Kellie and Austin into taking the amulet advantages (Day 11).
  • Survivor 45, Ep. 6: Voted out at the first Tribal after receiving her amulet (Day 13).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (1/2):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep4 Sean Sean Edwards (voted out, 3-1-1) Yes
Ep6 Kaleb* J.Maya (voted out, [0]-0; 10-1) -

*Everyone voted for Kaleb in the first round of the Ep6 Tribal; he played his Shot in the Dark (and couldn't vote), and was safe. J.Maya voted for Emily on the revote.


VAP - Votes against (0*):

  • Survivor 45: None*.


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Survivor 45: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 1/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 1
Tribals: 2
VAP: 0*
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Pictures
Survivor 45 logo  Survivor 45 image gallery
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Survivor 45 intro shot
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Survivor 45 intro shot
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    CBS pre-game interview shot
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    CBS pre-game interview
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    On the boat, Day 1
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Greeting Probst, Day 1
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba wins! Ep1 RC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba is stacked!
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba tribe meet-and-greet
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Working the puzzle with Drew
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba takes second place
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Listening to Drew's journey story, Ep2
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba wins!
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Talking to Kaleb during the camp raid
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 IC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Calling the puzzle for Reba
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba wins immunity
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Still on Reba, Ep4 swap
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Bonding with Sean
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    We have to take Sifu out
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba trying to catch up, Ep4 IC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    The losing Rebas
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    This is the time to take out Sifu
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Talking to Probst, Ep4 Tribal
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Talking about Sifu, Ep5
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Fine, I'll tell Sifu I voted for him, even though I didn't
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Reba wins!
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    We should make a welcome sign! Ep6
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    It's a personal triumph to have reached this point in the game
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Making the welcome sign
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Everybody now at old Reba camp
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC/IC
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Red team trailing
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Red team, still trailing
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    The losing red team
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    We should target Kaleb
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    With her fellow losers, waiting for the winners to clean up
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Not-merge tribe, Ep6 Tribal
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Talking to Probst
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Kaleb's Shot in the Dark worked! Uh oh...
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    Sixth person voted out (on revote)...
  • J.Maya Krishnan-Jha S45
    About to be snuffed, Day 13 (Episode 6)
J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Interviews
Survivor 45 logo  Survivor 45 interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at EW.com (11/2/23): "Survivor 45 star J.Maya reacts to being called out by Kalen"
  • Mike Bloom at Parade.com (11/2/23): "Janani 'J.Maya' Krishnan-Jha Breaks Down that Wild 'Mergatory' Vote on Survivor 45"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (11/2/23): "Survivor 45 | Exit Interview with the Sixth Player Voted Out - Ep6"
J.Maya Krishnan-Jha - Bio
Survivor 45  logo  Survivor 45 bio

Official CBS Survivor 45 bio excerpts (from Mike Bloom's Parade.com gallery, 9/7/23):

3 Words to Describe You: Ambitious, optimistic, & creative.

Why do you want to be part of SURVIVOR? Growing up as a kid who always had her head in an adventure novel, I’ve always dreamed of getting to embark on an epic quest of my own someday. The first time I watched Survivor, I knew that this was the quest I had been waiting for. I’ve always looked up to the people who played this game – they’re risk takers, strong leaders who think on their feel and adapt quickly to obstacles; they embody the qualities I strive to have in my life. Having the opportunity to play this game is not one I take lightly, they say this game changes and challenges you, and I am ready to be challenged.

What’s one life experience you feel has prepared you for the game? A couple of years ago, I took the biggest risk of my life – I turned down early admission to Harvard Law school in order to pursue a career as a singer/songwriter. My entire life I’d been preparing for a legal career because up to that point I felt that’s what was expected of me. I faced pressure from my family and community to follow a certain path, and it wasn’t until a couple of years ago I realized I was running out of time to live life on my own terms. Moving to LA and trying to start a music career felt a lot like starting over – I was coming into this cutthroat industry with no experience, and I had to learn the ropes extremely quickly. That experience reminds me a lot of what my fellow castaways and I will do.

Which previous player do you identify with the most? Who do you think you will play most like? Queen Parvati has always been such a role model of mine, and I think I can relate with her in a few ways. Not only are we both named after powerful Hindu goddesses, but I can resonate with how people have underestimated her strength and strategic skill because of her bubbly personality. In a similar vein, I adore Maryanne’s game, how she lay low and let people discount her as a threat until the end, when she revealed herself to be a strategic mastermind with an almost mathematically methodical understanding of the game’s dynamics. I’ll be aiming for a similar position early on the game – not running away from my loud personality and shrouding my observations of other players until the right moment.

What will you value in an alliance partner? I would love to work with the people I most naturally get along with, people who I can strongly relate to. I feel like the easier it is for me to get to know someone, the easier it will be to read them for signs of agreement or deceit. It’s also important to me that my allies are comfortable following the natural ebb and flow of the game; not playing too hard when you don’t have to but still being capable of bold moves when the time calls for it.

Favorite Hobbies: Reading (favorite genres: fantasy, science fiction and romance), running, playing pick-up soccer, crossword puzzling, and punning.

Pet Peeves: Slow walkers (only if they take up the entire sidewalk)

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being able to build a career for myself in the mainstream music industry as an Indian-American woman and as an independent artist. I came into music starting truly from scratch, knowing nobody and having no understanding of how anything worked and through a lot of hard work, I can now say that millions of people around the world listen to my music, and that my music has been praised by organizations like the Recording Academy! Above all representation means everything to me – nothing makes my day more than receiving comments and messages from other South Asians saying they’ve been encouraged by my decision to pursue a career in the arts to do the same – it’s what makes me the proudest. I know how truly fortunate I am to be able to do what I love and I am so grateful I made the decision to follow my dreams.

What is something we would never know from looking at you? You probably wouldn’t be able to tell I’m the youngest international pun championships award – winner in history!

Who in your life is your biggest inspiration and why? My grandmother, my Paatti. When she was 16, she climbed Mt. Kanchenjunga with Tenzing Norgay (one of the first people to summit Mr. Everest), becoming the first South Indian woman in history to do so. For her bravery, she was awarded the ice axe medal by the Indian government. While the achievement itself is extraordinary, her unwillingness to accept constraints others placed on her is what truly inspires me.

Why will you be the Sole Survivor? I’m adaptable. I’ve operated in many different spheres in my life – competitive punning, debate, the music industry – the same way: first observing quietly and then fitting myself into the gaps to carve out my own space. I feel like I’ve been preparing for Survivor my whole life, and I think I have a little more strength in me than I like to let on.