Erik Reichenbach - Survivor: Micronesia, Survivor: Caramoan

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 72 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 2

Erik Reichenbach on social media: twitter | Instagram | comics/art website

Erik Reichenbach - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S16: Micronesia 4.63 10.05 0.46 7 7 11 0.63 1.62 - - - 1.09 6.25
S26: Caramoan 2.47 9.90 0.25 6 2 9 0.59 1.53 - - - 0.84 3.99
Career 7.09 19.95 0.36 13 9 20 0.65 1.58 - - - 1.00 5.13


Erik Reichenbach - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Erik Reichenbach - Challenge record

Reinventing the Wheel - Ep1 RC/IC

Tribal/team challenge record (4-for-14):

  • Micronesia Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Reinventing the Wheel" - Airai wins.
  • Micronesia Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Smash & Grab" - Smashes tiles, but Airai loses, thanks to Chet's inability to find a key.
  • Micronesia Ep. 3 RC: "Beach Bash" - Airai loses again.
  • Micronesia Ep. 3 IC: "Nut Bucket" - With Joel, Natalie, Tracy, one of the holders for Airai, and Airai wins.
  • Micronesia Ep. 4 RC: "Diver Down" - One of the puzzle solvers for Airai, but Malakal wins before the fans get to the puzzle sage.
  • Micronesia Ep. 4 IC: "Crosswalk" - Has trouble with his lock at the start, Airai loses again.
  • Micronesia Ep.5 RC: "Cat and Mouse" - Tethered to Ozzy, scores a point vs. Kathy/Natalie, but Malakal loses, 3-2.
  • Micronesia Ep.5 IC: "A Stone's Throw" - Breaks two tiles, but Malakal loses on the puzzle.
  • Micronesia Ep. 6 RC: "Build It Up, Break It Down" - Participates, but Malakal is slow, loses.
  • Micronesia Ep. 6 IC: "United We Stand" - Malakal is out-strategized by James, loses big.
  • Micronesia Ep. 7 RC: "Money Roll" - Rolls stone, works puzzle; somehow, Malakal wins.
  • Micronesia Ep. 7 IC: "What-er Drag" - Retrieves one bundle, turns crank; Malakal returns to losing.
  • Micronesia Ep. 8 RC/IC: "The Gauntlet" - Takes a beating, gets four flags, but Malakal loses again.
  • Micronesia Ep. 10 RC: "Bai Bai" - With Ozzy, Jason, and Amanda, finally part of a winning team.


Shoot to Thrill - Ep12 IC

Individual challenge record (4-for-8): (Mean % finish: 70.7%)

  • Micronesia Ep.1 Ind. IC - Walks right past Airai's necklace.
  • Micronesia Ep.9 IC: "Last Gasp" - Sixth out, just under an hour in (4th/10).
  • Micronesia Ep.10 IC: "When It Rains, It Pours" - With Cirie, first to drop out, 20 minutes in, bribed with candy (tie-8th/9).
  • Micronesia Ep.11 IC: "Pool Party" - Erik wins! On his birthday! (1st/8).
  • Micronesia Ep.12 RC: "Body Slam" - Second person eliminated (6th/7). No family reward.
  • Micronesia Ep.12 IC: "Shoot to Thrill" - Hits all three shots, and Erik wins his second straight immunity (1st/6).
  • Micronesia Ep.13 RC: "Survivor Roots" - Erik wins again, this time at Survivor trivia (1st/5).
  • Micronesia Ep.13 IC: "Dash-Dig-Decode" - Erik wins his fateful third immunity (1st/5).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Micronesia: None.

Hot Pursuit - Ep7 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (10-for-12; 1 sit-out):

  • Caramoan Ep.1 RC: "Water Slaughter" - With Dawn, loses the Faves' only point against Shamar & Julia, but Bikal wins.
  • Caramoan Ep.1 IC: "A Long Way to the Top" - With Brenda, tosses crates down from the third floor, but after Malcolm tosses, Bikal loses.
  • Caramoan Ep.2 RC/IC: "Plunge, Pull & Pop" - With Andrea & Brenda, one of three divers, and Bikal wins.
  • Caramoan Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Cell Block Sea" - Competes, Bikal wins.
  • Caramoan Ep. 4 RC: "Head and Shoulders" - Holds up platforms for Andrea and Brenda, Bikal wins.
  • Caramoan Ep. 4 IC: "Smash & Grab" - Smashes first tile for Bikal, Bikal wins, again.
  • Caramoan Ep. 5 RC: "Nut Bucket" - Sits out for once, as Bikal wins.
  • Caramoan Ep. 6 IC: "Crate Outdoors" - Now switched to the new Gota, which promptly wins big.
  • Caramoan Ep. 7 RC: "Hot Pursuit" - Tags Phillip for the win, as new Gota wins again.
  • Caramoan Ep. 7 IC: "Phoenix Rises" - Rower and diver (with Brenda & Eddie), Gota wins again.
  • Caramoan Ep. 9 RC: "Jump Shot" - Part of the winning team (with Michael, Reynold, Eddie, Cochran).
  • Caramoan Ep. 10 RC: "Muddy Waters" - Part of winning team (with Dawn, Reynold, Phillip, Cochran).


Fun Climb - Ep12 F7 IC

Individual challenge record (1-for-8): (Mean % Finish: 40.1%)

  • Caramoan Ep. 8 IC: "Caramoan Catering" - Eliminated in the first round (bottom 6/12).
  • Caramoan Ep. 9 IC: "Last Gasp" - Third person to drop out (9th/11).
  • Caramoan Ep. 10 IC: "Keel Hauling" - Eliminated in first round (3rd/4).
  • Caramoan Ep. 11 IC: "Drop A Log" - Second person to drop out (8th/9).
  • Caramoan Ep. 12 F8 RC/IC: "Bermuda Triangle" - With Eddie, drops out immediately for donuts and milk (Tie-8th/8).
  • Caramoan Ep. 12 F7 IC: "Fun Climb" - Wins by a huge margin (1st/7).
  • Caramoan Ep. 13 RC: "Loved Ones Dizzy Gillespie" - Doesn't win, but gets reward, anyway (bottom 5/6).
  • Caramoan Ep. 13 IC: "I Hold On" - Second person to drop, at 25 minutes (5th/6).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Caramoan: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 14
Played: 26
Win%: 0.54
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 16
Win%: 0.31
Mean% Finish: 55.4%
Hero challenges/duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Erik Reichenbach - Tribal Council record

Ep13 Tribal Council

Idols held/played: (0/0)

  • Micronesia: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (7/11):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Mary Mary Sartain (voted out, 6-2-2) Yes
Ep4 Mikey B 'Mikey B' Bortone (voted out, 6-3) Yes
Ep5 Chet Joel Anderson (voted out, 6-2) -
Ep6 Chet Chet Welch (voted out, 5-2) Yes
Ep7 Tracy Tracy Hughes-Wolf (voted out, 5-1) Yes
Ep8 Ami Ami Cusack (voted out, 4-1) Yes
Ep9 Eliza Eliza Orlins (voted out, 8-2) Yes
Ep10 Jason Ozzy Lusth (voted out, 5-4) -
Ep11 Jason Jason Siska (voted out, 4-3-1) Yes
Ep12 Amanda Alexis Jones (idoled out, [0]-2) -
Ep13 Parvati Erik Reichenbach (voted out, 4-1) -


VAP - Votes against (7):

  • Micronesia, Ep. 6: Two votes, from Tracy and Chet.
  • Micronesia, Ep. 8: One vote, from Ami.
  • Micronesia, Ep. 13: Four votes, from Parvati, Amanda, Cirie, and Natalie (voted out, 4-1, after giving the immunity necklace to Natalie).


Jury votes made (0/1):

  • Micronesia, Ep. 14: Voted for Amanda Kimmel (who finished second, 5-3).

Ep13 Tribal Council

Idols/advantages held/played (1/0):

  • Caramoan, Ep. 12: Using the clue Andrea won at the RC/IC, found the hidden immunity idol, then immediately handed it over to Andrea (Day 31).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (6/9):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Andrea Francesca Hogi (voted out, 6-4) -
Ep5 Brandon Brandon Hantz (voted out, 8-1) Yes
Ep8 Corinne Corinne Kaplan (voted out, 7-5) Yes
Ep9 Michael Michael Snow (voted out, 7-3-1) Yes
Ep10 Phillip Phillip Sheppard (voted out, 4-[0]-[0]) Yes
Ep11 Malcolm Malcolm Freberg (voted out, 3-3-3 [6-0]) Yes
Ep12 (F8) Eddie Reynold Toepfer (voted out, 4-2-1-1) -
Ep12 (F7) Andrea Andrea Boehlke (voted out, 3-2-2) Yes
Ep13 Eddie Brenda Lowe (voted out, 3-2-1) -


VAP - Votes against (2):

  • Caramoan, Ep. 12 (F8 vote): One vote, from Reynold.
  • Caramoan, Ep. 13: One vote, from Eddie.


Jury votes made (1/1):

Career totals - Tribal Council
Idols found: 1
Idols played: 0
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 13
Tribals: 20
VAP: 9
Jury votes
Made: 2
For winners: 1
Received: -


Erik Reichenbach - Pictures
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Micronesia intro shot
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Micronesia intro shot
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    With Tracy and Mary, getting rowed in, S16 opening sequence
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Politely clapping for Parvati as the 'favorites' are introduced
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Listening to Probst, pre-idol hunt
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    First across the lagoon, but not seeing the idol, Ep1 idol hunt
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Racing out to the puzzle, Ep1 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Casually flinging sand on Ozzy and James
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Airai wins! First immunity!
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Celebrating with Airai
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Applauding the favorites for voting out Fairplay, pre-Ep2 RC/IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Choosing Kathy to sit out, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Getting ready to smash, then grab
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Smashing and grabbing
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    With Airai at his first Tribal Council, Ep2. Stuck on the end.
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Doing a commendable job faking Chet into thinking he's in trouble
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Got his game face on, Ep3 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Full Airai tribe, pre-Ep3 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Dragging a pants-grabbing Eliza into Airai's end zone
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Getting a hug from Ozzy
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Listening to Probst, Ep3 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Hoping for better results than in the RC, Ep3 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Airai just has to out-hold James. No problem, right?
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Still holding for Yau-Man's shot
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Starting to get a bit heavier
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Airai wins, Ep3 IC group hug
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Displeased with a poor Airai performance, Diver Down - Ep4 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Supposedly an Ep4 confessional, but looks earlier
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Airai listening to Probst, pre-Ep4 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    None of these keys fit!
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Ready to vote out Mikey B, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Listening to the vote, Ep4 Tribal
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Getting a necklace from Probst, Ep12 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Relax, he keeps this one, Ep12 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Sad Sack snuffing, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Talking to Natalie (bad idea), Ep13
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Amanda convinces Erik to work with her going forward
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Starting line, Ep13 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Erik leading, easily
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Erik wins reward, forgets to send Nat to Exile
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Reward feasting with Amanda
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Telling Cirie that Natalie is a threat while ... oops
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Erik, leading by a mile
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    That's just mean, puzzle
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Safe at Tribal Council tonight! (Unless ...)
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Taking in Natalie's pitch for the necklace
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Cirie thinks it's a good idea
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Dabu, Ep13 Tribal
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Oh no...
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    My mom always told me: You can't always beat them with these (muscles), but you can beat them with this (brain)
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Sixth member of our jury...
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Snuffed, Day 33 (Episode 13)
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    With the jury, Final Tribal Council
  • Erik Reichenbach S16
    Full cast, reunion show
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Caramoan intro shot
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Caramoan intro shot
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    S26 pre-game interview
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    He's a favorite now! S26 favorites' pre-game lineup
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Actually featured in an S26 pre-season ad
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Fresh off the chopper and into the S26 Ep1 RC, with Dawn
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Rooting on Brandon and Andrea
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Still watching the Ep1 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Arrival, Ep1 IC. Underplayed by CBS, of course
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    More arrival
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Checking out the fans tribe
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Watching the tossing, Ep1 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Bikal attends the Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Plunging and pulling for Bikal, Ep2 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Looking on as Phillip wins the Ep2 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Bikal wins again! Ep3 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Listening to Probst, pre-Ep4 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Passing off Brenda, Ep4 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Bikal wins reward!
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Watching from the bench, Ep5 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Ready for some fun times at 'Tribal Council' as Brandon leaves, Ep5
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Getting switched to Gota, Ep6
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Listening to Probst with New Gota, Ep6 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Meet the formidable New Gota tribe, Ep6 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    New Gota cruises to victory
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Leading New Gota's hot pursuit of New Bikal, Ep7 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Setting the pace
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    The final charge
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Woo! You're it, Phillip! Now let's go back the other way!
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Shocker: Gota wins, Ep7 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Passing out from too much cookie, Ep7 reward
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Listening to Probst, Ep7 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Paddling the Gota canoe
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Unclipping the phoenix
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Already back to the beach, Ep7 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Watching Reynold's grappling hook technique
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Ready for the merge, or whatever, Ep8
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Emerging from the water, about to merge
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Merge feasting
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Feeling contemplative
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    The Enil Edam tribe reads the first individual IC treemail
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Getting sage dating/gross food challenge advice from Eddie, Ep8
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Good one, Eddie!
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Excited for some rare delicacies
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Mmmmm... grubby
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Hoping someone leaves some leftovers
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Emerging from the water again, now at the merge camp
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Gotta stay hydrated
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Pioneering a novel voting strategy, Ep8
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Really? That name?
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Finally getting a confessional in Ep8. Woo.
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    The Enil Edam tribe attends its first Tribal Council, Ep8
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Yeah! Tribal Council! Woo!
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Part of the winning team (as is Michael), Ep9 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Broing down, Ep9 reward
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Underwater, mostly, Ep9 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    At the Hold Up, Bro tribal council, Ep9
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Despite appearances, on another reward-winning team, Ep10 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Close to winning, Ep10 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Winners, Ep10 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Amused by Phillip's lack of pre-pool showering, Ep10 reward
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Pre-challenge lecture time, Ep10 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    The triple-immunity Tribal Council, Ep10
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Watching Malcolm and Eddie play their idols
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Auction time again, Ep11
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Getting ready to drop a log, Ep11 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Still in it
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    ...and out of it
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Stuck on the end at Tribal Council again, Ep11
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Ready to go, Ep12 final 8 RC/IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Donuts you say, Probst? Fine, we'll drop out
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Woo! Go, you guys, or whatever
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Coming from a family of diggers has its advantages
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Stuck on the end, yet again, Final 8 Tribal Council
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Possibly dead, post-Reynold boot
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Wake us when the fun starts - 'Fun Climb' - Ep12 F7 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Almost done, Fun Climb
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    No, Probst, I'm not planning to give this one away, thanks for asking.
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Immune, Ep12 Final 7
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Apparently, immunity means you don't have to sit on the end, for once
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Possibly dead again, early Ep13
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    A chilling vision of things to come, early Ep13
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Watching loved ones videos, pre-Ep13 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Not actually Erik, but related
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Group selfie, pre-Ep13 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Let's bro down together, Ep13 RC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Ready to go
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Waiting for Brenda to give away her reward
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Come on, Brenda, move it along
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    We love you guys! Ep13 reward
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Hey guys, let's everyone wave!
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Groan, this type of challenge is always death, Ep13 IC
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    This is still going?
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Ah, that's more like it.
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Heading to Tribal, Ep13
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Back on the end again, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Whoa, sorry you're going home Sherri
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Why is Brenda getting up and talking?
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Why is Probst talking to me? Are we still at Tribal? Ep14
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    End of the line. Ep14 medevac.
  • Erik Reichenbach S26
    Out just in time for the final jury, Ep14. Woo.


Erik Reichenbach - Interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Laura Burrows at (5/10/08): "Survivor: Micronesia Interview - Erik"

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at (5/13/13): "Medically evacuated Erik slams the 'disrespectful...ridiculous...insane...farce' of a Survivor reunion show"
  • Rob Cesternino at RobHasAPodcast (5/13/13): "Talking with the Winner and the Final 5 From Survivor: Caramoan"
  • Daniel Fienberg at (5/14/13): "Erik Reichenbach and Eddie Fox talk Survivor: Caramoan"
  • Erik Reichenbach AMA on Reddit (5/16/13)


Erik Reichenbach - Bios

From his official CBS bio page:

"Erik Reichenbach was born and raised in Pinckney, Michigan. He is currently in his senior year of studying art at Eastern Michigan University, and is a member of the college's track team. Reichenbach works at an ice cream parlor called 'Screams' in Hell, Michigan, where he also designs t-shirts, hauls canoes and entertains his customers. He previously worked in landscaping, construction and as a freelance graphic designer.

Reichenbach's hobbies include drawing, writing comic books, rock-climbing and studying philosophy/religion. He describes himself as animated, earnest and familiar. He is very proud of his running accomplishments during his senior year of high school, where he set the school's 400 yard record (49.3 seconds), and being able to run in the Nike Outdoor Nationals in Carolina. Reichenbach is a member of the Eastern Michigan Cross Country and Track team, Pinckney Pirate Track and Field Alumni and a rock climbing club

Reichenbach believes he'll go far on Survivor because he is a good listener, entertaining, optimistic, athletic, a creative thinker and can easily be a leader or a follower.

Reichenbach is currently single and lives in Ypsilanti, Michigan, with his cats, Furrball and Kittyfizzle (K-Fizz for short). His birth date is November 27, 1985."

From his official CBS Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites bio page:

"Previous Season: Survivor: Micronesia – 13th castaway voted out/6th Jury Member

Occupation: Comic Book Artist

Personal Claim to Fame: Survivor: Micronesia

Inspiration in Life: My Dad and my girlfriend, Dana.

Hobbies: Drawing, running and traveling.

Pet Peeves: Quiet or opinion-less people.

3 Words to Describe You: Easy going, humorous and original.

If You Could Have 3 Things on The Island What Would They Be and Why? 1) Contacts – So I can see. 2) Acrylic Paint – To paint a “masterpiece” at tribal camp. 3) A deck of cards - to eliminate any boredom.

Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: Ozzy – I am great at challenges too!

Reason for Being on Survivor: To show everyone that I am really not dumb, and in actuality I am a smart, funny guy who just does things in a different way.

Why You Think You’ll “Survive” Survivor: I’m physically strong and easily adapt to my surroundings.

Why You Think You Will Be the Sole Survivor: I adapt to working with different personalities easily and I have enough of an understanding of the game to improvise if necessary."