Elaine Stott - Survivor: Island of the Idols

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 35 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

  • Survivor 39: Island of the Idols (2019) - 7th place, 14th out - 8th juror.
  • Visited Island of the Idols 1 time; received a task to retrieve an advantage during the IC.
  • Voted out in Episode 13, "Just Go For It" (Day 35).

Elaine Stott on social media: twitter | Instagram

Elaine Stott - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S39: Island of the Idols 1.67 8.79 0.19 7 8 10 0.69 1.63 - - - 0.88 3.30
Career 1.67 8.79 0.19 7 8 10 0.69 1.63 - - - 0.88 3.30


Elaine Stott - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Elaine Stott - Challenge record
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Ep2 IC - Rung-O Star

Tribal/team challenge record (5-for-11; 1 sit-out):

  • Island of the Idols Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Tower of Equality" - Crosses obstacles, climbs the human ladder, but Lairo loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Rung-O Star" - Lands one of Lairo's three balls, and Lairo wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Beam Me Up" - Part of the see-saw balancing group, but Lairo loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Ow Pairs" - Tethered to Tom, eventually gets a key, but Lairo loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 5 RC: "Headlong Flight" - Tethered to Lauren, slithers, and (new) Vokai wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 5 IC: "Discography" - Jumps and swims, and Vokai wins again.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 6 RC: "Heroes End" - Sits out, and is immediately sent to Island of the Idols, as Vokai wins.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 6 IC: "Cage Against the Machine" - Grabs her advantage, but Vokai loses.
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 7 IC: "Faulty Towers" - Helps work the puzzle for Vokai, and Vokai wins.
  • [Island of the Idols Ep. 9 RC: "Raise the Roof" - (unaired) Holds up sandbags as part of the winning team.]
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 12 RC: "Full Tilt Affair" - Paired with Dean, they reach the final stage, but do not win.


Ep10 IC - We Will Go Round

Individual challenge record (1-for-7; 1 sit-out): (Mean % finish: 56.7%)

  • Island of the Idols Ep. 8 IC: "Pegs Over Easy" - Fifth person to drop out, fairly quickly (9th/13)
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 9 IC: "I Hold On" - Second woman to drop out, in under 5 minutes (6th/7).
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 10 IC: "We Will Go Round" - Outlasts Missy, and Elaine wins immunity! (1st/5).
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 11 IC: "Crocodile Rock" - Sits out to eat, instead of competing (tie-9th/9).
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 12 IC: "Ballin' A Jack" - Hangs in for a showdown vs. Lauren, but does not win (2nd/8).
  • [Island of the Idols Ep. 13 RC: (Unaired) - Not listed (by Dean) as being among the leaders (tie-3rd/7).]
  • Island of the Idols Ep. 13 IC: "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" - Has the answer worked out, but too slow to solve in time (2nd/7).


Redemption/Exile Island duel record (0-for-0):

  • Island of the Idols: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 5
Played: 11
Win%: 0.45
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 7
Sat out: 1
Win%: 0.14
Mean% Finish: 56.7%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: --
Mean% Finish: --
Elaine Stott - Tribal Council record
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Ep6 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 0 votes voided) | Advantages held/played (1/1):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 6: Visits Island of the Idols, and is told to grab an advantage at the next IC (Day 15).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 6: Gets the vote block advantage, plays it against Jason, avoiding a tie (Day 16).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 12: Finds an idol in a group search back at camp during loved ones reward (Day 31).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 12: Plays the idol just in case after a chaotic Tribal, voiding no votes (Day 32).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (7/10):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 1: Ronnie Bardah (voted out, 7-2).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 3: Vince Moua (voted out, 5-3-1).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 4: Chelsea Walker (voted out, 6-2).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 6: Jason Linden (voted out, 4-3).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 8: Kellee Kim (voted out, 8-5).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 10: Missy Byrd (voted out, 3-2).
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 12: Karishma Patel (voted out, 5-3).


VAP - Votes against (8):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 6: Three votes, from Dan, Lauren, and Tommy.
  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 13: Five votes, from Dean, Janet, Lauren, Noura, and Tommy (voted out, 5-2).


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • Island of the Idols, Ep. 14: Voted for Tommy Sheehan, who won, 8-2-0.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 1/1
Idols found: 1
Idols played: 1
Votes voided: 0
Voting record
VFB: 7
Tribals: 10
VAP: 8
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 1
Received: --
Elaine Stott - Pictures
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols
  • Elaine Stott S39
    CBS pre-game interview
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Yay, Lairo camp!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Bonding with Tom and Vince
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking about using humor to connect with people
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Discussing cumin
  • Elaine Stott S39
    An all-women alliance? Okay!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Ronnie says he has Elaine's back
  • Elaine Stott S39
    I didn't believe him for a second
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Hitting the net obstacle
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The losing Lairos
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Just drew the name of the first Island of the Idols visitor
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Water well plotting
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Checking back with Tom and Vince
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Heading to Tribal
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking to Probst
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching Missy roll balls
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo wins!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo women bonding, Ep3
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Reading the note sending Vince to Island of the Idols
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Sure, Dean
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Balancing on the see-saw
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The losing Lairos
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to Tom
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC/IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo finally gets started on the puzzle
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Not happy about Aaron's plan to target Dean
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Missy proposes Chelsea instead
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Heading to Tribal
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking to Probst about rapidly changing plans
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Picking new buffs, Ep5
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The new Vokai tribe
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking about the 4-4 split
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Vokai wins reward!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Applebee's reward feasting
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching Dan and Elizabeth carry the buoys
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Vokai wins immunity!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairos on Vokai plotting, Ep6
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Heading to Island of the Idols, instead of sitting out
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Narrating her Island arrival
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Sandra is here! Also Boston Rob.
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Learning about making snap decisions
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Heading back to camp
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Discussing her visit with Elizabeth
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Moving the cage
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Grabbing the advantage
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Putting it away for safe keeping
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching Aaron just miss the winning shot
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lairo has the power now!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Reading the advantage
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Telling Aaron the good news
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Bringing Missy in
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Vokai, Ep6 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    I'm using this advantage to block... Jason from voting
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Explaining her move, Ep7
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Excited that it worked out
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching the coconut shooting
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Working the puzzle
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Vokai wins immunity!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    About to merge, Ep8
  • Elaine Stott S39
    New buffs, new tribemates
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Tipping off Dan. *sigh*
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to Jamal's post-Island story, Ep9
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line, Ep9 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Orange group, read to go
  • Elaine Stott S39
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Showdown with Missy
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Elaine wins immunity!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Enjoying the PB&J reward
  • Elaine Stott S39
    I got Karishma to join me in voting out Missy
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Orange group, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking about the vote, Ep11
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to the note asking for an Island of the Idols volunteer
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to Lauren's post-Island story
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Choosing to eat, instead of compete
  • Elaine Stott S39
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking about the vote
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep11 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to Noura
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The loved ones are here! Ep12
  • Elaine Stott S39
    With her girlfriend, Tanya
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 RC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    First pair to the sandbags
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Not picked for reward
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to Noura rant about the Vokais
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Just found an idol
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lookit this!
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Down to a showdown vs. Lauren
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The underdogs are uniting, maybe
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Noura's such a Froot-Loop, I dunno if we can trust her to stick to the plan
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Minutes into Tribal, Dean leaks the plan
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep12 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The plan is off...
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Getting up early to look for an idol, Ep13
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Looks like Elaine and Tommy found it
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Warning Lauren that the guys won't take her to F3
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to the note requiring a "random draw" for Island of the Idols
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Listening to Dean's post-Island report
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Spinning off the starting line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Trying to catch up
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Uh oh
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Racing Dean to the finish line
  • Elaine Stott S39
    I really needed that necklace
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Heading to Tribal
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Lumuwaku, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Talking to Probst
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Getting a pep talk from Janet
  • Elaine Stott S39
    14th person voted out, and the 8th member of our jury
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Snuffed, Day 35 (Episode 13)
  • Elaine Stott S39
    The jury, Final Tribal Council
  • Elaine Stott S39
    Watching the vote reveal
  • Elaine Stott S39
    (Almost) full cast, reunion show
Elaine Stott - Interviews
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Pre-game interviews

  • Josh Wigler at RHAP (9/11/19): "Survivor 39 Preseason Interviews: Lairo Tribe - Part 1"
  • Mike Bloom at Parade.com (9/20/19): "Survivor Island of the Idols: Meet Elaine Stott"


Post-game interviews

  • Dalton Ross at EW.com (12/12/19): "Elaine Stott says her last day still 'stings'"
  • Gordon Holmes at XfinityTV.com (12/12/19): "Elaine - 'I Wanted to Fill My Cup Up with Every Survivor Experience'"
  • Mike Bloom at Parade.com (12/12/19): "Elaine Stott Gets Cut for Cutting Up"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (12/12/19): "Survivor 39 Exit Interview with the 14th Player Voted Out"
Elaine Stott - Bio
Survivor 39 logo  S39: Island of the Idols

Official CBS Island of the Idols bio excerpts (September 9, 2019):

"Pet peeves: Guys who think women aren't their equals, girls who think they need to use their body to get ahead, and people who think their s*** don't stink!

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Stepping up and taking care of my loved ones when they needed me. I took care of my grandpa who helped raise me when he got sick until he passed. My godmother lost her daughter and her husband, then had a stroke all within eight months. I was all she had to get through everything. My mom recently was in a coma and on life support. For months, she fought to get stronger and relearn everything. I was by her side the whole time. The plan was for her to come live with me afterwards so I could take care of her. Unfortunately, she passed away from complications before that could happen. To some, stuff like that may not be an accomplishment, but to me that's the only stuff that matters. I'm proud to be that kind of person.

Who or what is your inspiration in life? My godmother. She took me in when I was young, and treated me like her own ever since. She is the strongest woman I know. She is kind, caring and very loving, even though she has suffered a great deal over the past few years. She's awesome.

Which Survivor contestant are you most like? I think I am most like Rupert, rough and raw on the outside, and a big marshmallow on the inside. He seemed to be a very kind person just like me.

Why do you think you'll "survive" Survivor? I think people will underestimate me. I think with my people skills and my ability to relate to different types of people, I will be able to befriend them or gain their trust. I would be overlooked because I wouldn't be a threat, but an ally."