Ashley Trainer - Survivor: Samoa

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 14 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

  • Survivor 19: Samoa (2009) - 15th place, 6th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 5, "Walking on Thin Ice" (Day 14).

Ashley Trainer on social media: Instagram

Ashley Trainer - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S19: Samoa 0.17 0.88 0.19 3 9 4 0.68 1.62 - - - 0.87 1.78
Career 0.17 0.88 0.19 3 9 4 0.68 1.62 - - - 0.87 1.78


Ashley Trainer - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Ashley Trainer - Challenge record
Survivor 19 logo  S19: Samoa

Ep5 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (1-for-6):

  • Samoa Ep. 1 IC: "Yank Your Hank" - Crosses barriers, Foa Foa loses.
  • Samoa Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Schmergen Brawl" - Participates, but Foa Foa loses.
  • Samoa Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Sea Crates" - Blocker for Foa Foa, but Foa Foa loses.
  • Samoa Ep. 4 IC: "Well Stacked" - Helps gather and stack blocks; Foa Foa wins!
  • Samoa Ep. 5 RC: "Samoa Smoothies" - Vomits up her sea slug smoothie, Foa Foa loses.
  • Samoa Ep. 5 IC: "Sack Attack" - Has trouble shooting coconuts, Foa Foa loses.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Samoa: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • [Samoa Ep. 1 RC: "Chief's Choice" - Does not participate, but Foa Foa wins.]
  • [Samoa Ep. 4 RC: "Bocce in a Box" - Does not participate; Foa Foa loses.]
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 1
Played: 6
Win%: 0.17
Sat out: --
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: --
Mean% Finish: --
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: --
Mean% Finish: --
Ashley Trainer - Tribal Council record
Survivor 19 logo  S9: Samoa

Ep1 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Samoa: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (3/4):


VAP - Votes against (9):

  • Samoa, Ep. 1: Three votes, from Betsy, Marisa, and Mick.
  • Samoa, Ep. 3: One vote, from Ben.
  • Samoa, Ep. 5: Five votes, from Jaison, Liz, Mick, Natalie, and Russell (voted out, 5-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Samoa: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: --
Votes voided: --
Voting record
VFB: 3
Tribals: 4
VAP: 9
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: --
Received: --
Ashley Trainer - Pictures
Survivor 19 logo  S19: Samoa
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Samoa intro shot
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Samoa intro shot
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Paddling in, Day 1
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa, finally arrived
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Selecting a chief
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Starting line, Ep1 RC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa wins!
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Working on the shelter
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Forming an alliance with Russell
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Starting line
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Preparing to haul the crate
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    The losing Foa Foas
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Hoping not to be seen as the weakest
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Planning the vote
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Talking to Probst
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Starting line
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Watching Jaison shoot
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Saying goodbye to Mike
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Listening to Yasmin
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Betsy floats the idea of voting Ben
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Listening to Probst
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Starting to think that maybe Betsy was right about Ben, Ep3
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Keeping Kelly from forward movement
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Getting started on the puzzle
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Jaison pushes to boot Ben
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    He has a point
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Talking to Probst
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Listening to the hero challenge RC treemail, Ep4
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Carrying blocks
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Building the final stack
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa finally wins!
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Safe from Tribal Council, for once
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Listening to the gross food RC treemail, Ep5
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    I'm an adventurous eater, I think I'll do well
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Ready to go
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Facing off against Dave, final match-up
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    The losing Foa Foas, now plus Shambo again
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    We like having Shambo here
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Listening to Shambo's idol clue
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Shooting coconuts
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    The losing Foa Foas
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Unclear how to strategize in a rainstorm
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Maybe we'll all just vote what we think?
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Foa Foa, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Talking to Probst
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Fifth person voted out of Samoa...
  • Ashley Trainer S19
    Snuffed, Day 14 (Episode 5)
Ashley Trainer - Interviews
Survivor 19 logo  S19: Samoa

Pre-game interviews

  • Andy Dehnart at RealityBlurred (9/17/09): "Ashley Trainer: 'I am here to prove how strong I actually am'"
  • CBS "Meet the cast" video (YouTube)


Post-game interviews

  • Andy Dehnart at RealityBlurred (10/16/09): "Ashley 'not the only' Foa Foa who failed challenge, despite editing, Probst's comments"
  • Dalton Ross at (10/20/20): "Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire: Ashley Trainer still 'shocked' she was on Samoa"
Ashley Trainer - Bio
Survivor 19 logo  S19: Samoa

Official Survivor: Samoa bio page excerpts (8/27/09):

"This 22 year-old woman describes herself as funny, outgoing and flirty, with an emphasis on flirty. Ashley once moved to San Diego for a relationship that did not work out, but now this bubbly former competitive cheerleader plans to use her flirty ways to endear herself to and at the same time manipulate the male castaways. Not only relying on her womanly wiles, Ashley feels that her strong determination will get her far in the game. She claims that she usually gets whatever she wants as long as she puts her heart and mind to it.

In her spare time, Ashley loves kickboxing, watching movies, and shopping. She describes her perfect day as sleeping in followed by working out and shopping, then ending her day with a nice dinner and a movie. During her time away from home, she will miss her mother, whom she describes as her best friend. She will also miss her favorite comfort item, which is her pillow.

Ashley works in a very competitive commission based sales job where she can sell almost anything. She has no qualms about selling items that she hates as long as it helps her reach her quota. She hopes that her “get it done” attitude will win her the title of Sole Survivor. Her first purchase, should she take home the grand prize, would be a condo or new house.

Currently, Ashley resides in Maple Grove, Minn. Her birth date is February 27th."