Ashleigh Bishop - SurvivorUK 3

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 21 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1

  • SurvivorUK 3 (2023) - 10th place, 9th out - 2nd juror.
  • Voted out in Episode 10 (Day 19).

Ashleigh Bishop on social media: twitter | Instagram

Ashleigh Bishop - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
SurvivorUK 3 1.13 3.85 0.29 4 15 5 0.73 1.18 - - - 1.03 2.31
Career 1.13 3.85 0.29 4 15 5 0.73 1.18 - - - 1.03 2.31


Ashleigh Bishop - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Ashleigh Bishop - Challenge record
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 challenges

Discy Business - Ep4 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (8-for-13; 2 sit-outs):

  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.1 RC: "Crate Improvisation" - La Nena is second to the beach, builds a better fire, and La Nena wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.1 IC: "Dead Weight" - Holds her weight, hurting her hand, and La Nena wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.2 RC: "By Any Means" - Not shown competing; La Nena wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.2 IC: "The Raft and the Furious" - Sits out, as La Nena loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.3 IC: "Hot Pursuit" - Third La Nena to drop out; La Nena loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.4 RC: "Trench Run" - Scores La Nena's only point vs. Leilani; La Nena loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.4 IC: "Discy Business" - Places blocks, and La Nena wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.5 RC: "Sumo at Sea" - Loses to Rachel, but both tribes win.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.5 IC: "High and Mighty" - Crosses obstacles, and La Nena wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.6 IC: "Pole Axed" - Loads weights, but La Nena loses.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.7 RC: "Chain Reaction" - Sits out of a La Nena win.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.7 IC: "Cell Block Sea" - La Nena trails until the puzzle, but somehow, La Nena wins.
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.8 IC: "When It Rains" - First out for La Nena, in under 2 min., but La Nena wins.


Last Gasp - Ep10 IC

Individual challenge record (0-for-2): (Mean % finish: 52.7%)

  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.9 IC: "A Leg Up" - Fifth to drop out, over 25 minutes in (7th/11).
  • SurvivorUK 3 Ep.10 IC: "Last Gasp" - Sixth out, lasting over 70 minutes (5th/10).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • SurvivorUK 3: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 8
Played: 13
Win%: 0.62
Sat out: 2
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 2
Win%: 0.00
Mean % Finish: 52.7%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Ashleigh Bishop - Tribal Council record
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 Tribal

Ep6 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 9: Using Chris's clue (and searching with him), finds the idol, but immediately hands it over to Chris (Day 19).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (4/5):


VAP - Votes against (15):

  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 2: Two votes, from Hannah and Sabrina.
  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 3: Three votes, from Lee, Pegleg, and Rach.
  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 6: Two votes, from Hannah and Ren.
  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 9: Four votes, from Doug, Hannah, Lee, and Pegleg.
  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 10: Four votes, from Doug, Hannah, Leilani, and Nathan (voted out, 4-[0]-2).


Jury votes made (0/1):

  • SurvivorUK 3, Ep. 16: Voted for Christopher Haul, who finished tied for 2nd place, 6-1-1.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 4
Tribals: 5
VAP: 15
Jury votes
Made: 1
For winners: 0
Received: -
Ashleigh Bishop - Pictures
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 image gallery
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    On the boat, Day 1
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena, leading?
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins reward!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Talking about the win
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena's first meal together
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Holding her weight, Ep1 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins immunity!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins reward!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Talking to Christopher about being targeted due to her hand injury
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    The losing La Nenas
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena, Ep2 Tribal
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Listening to Lee
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Starting line, Ep3 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Not looking good for La Nena
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    The losing La Nenas
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Checking in with Rach
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena, Ep3 Tribal
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Listening to Joel
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Not pleased with Rach's boot
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Starting line, Ep4 RC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    About to score vs. Leilani
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Hoping Lee noticed she scored La Nena's only point
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Stacking blocks, Ep4 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Talking about new tribemate Leilani, Ep5
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Battling Rachel, Ep5 RC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Joel arrives in camp with reward items
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Crossing obstacles, Ep5 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Watching Chris make the final throw
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Greeting new tribemates Matthew and Tinuke, Ep6
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Making plans to stay La Nena strong
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Loading weights for La Nena, Ep6 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Talking to Hannah
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena, Ep6 Tribal
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Talking to Joel
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Cheering La Nena's win from the bench, Ep7 RC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Reward feasting
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Christopher wants to throw the IC?
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena, sort of working on the arch puzzle
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena reads letters from home, Ep8
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Starting line, Ep8 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    First La Nena out
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    La Nena wins!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    It's the merge! Ep9
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Time for an auction
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Learning Chris has an idol clue
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Found Chris's idol!
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Starting line
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Calena, Ep9 Tribal
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Listening to Joel
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Worried about the fallout from Lee's boot, Ep10
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Barbie and her poodle reconnect
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Starting line, Ep10 IC
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Maybe go for Nathan?
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Calena, Ep10 Tribal
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Listening to Joel
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Second member of our jury...
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    Snuffed, Day 21 (Episode 10)
  • Ashleigh Bishop UK3
    With the jury, Final Tribal
Ashleigh Bishop - Interviews
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (11/28/23): "Survivor UK | Week 5 Exit Interview w/ First and Second Jurors"
Ashleigh Bishop - Bio
SurvivorUK 3 logo  SurvivorUK 3 bio

Official BBC SurvivorUK 3 bio excerpts (10/14/23):

"What made you want to be a contestant on Survivor? I love every opportunity to live life to the fullest and to challenge and push myself. Whether it’s in work e.g. starting my own business, in fitness with my boxing or in life and taking on skydiving, I have always wanted to test my limits. I suffer from imposter syndrome and struggle to believe in myself, so this is why I push myself, to try and find my limits. What better test to understand what I’m really capable of than the ultimate challenge - Survivor!

What qualities did you think you could bring to the game? In life I’m generally a very upbeat and positive person, I’m proactive and determined and I like to be there for people and to step-up when others maybe don’t feel like they can. I’m always happy to put myself forward and to do it with a positive attitude. I’m also willing to push myself to the end for my team and I try to be a strategic thinker, so I was keen to bring not just strength, strategy and determination but also a smile!

How did you prepare yourself mentally and physically for taking part? I have coeliac disease and I actually had a gluten flare-up three weeks before the show started which massively impacted my training. I usually run three times a week and weight train or box twice a week, but I had to cut right back during my coeliac recovery so I was not at my peak fitness when I started. I did try and eat lots to make sure I was ready for the calorie deficit though - thank god for gluten free pizza!

Did you have a strategy for how you were going to play the game? I wanted to take my time to get to know the other players a bit better before making any moves. Sometimes having a big game plan from the beginning can be a sure-fire way to get yourself voted off early! So I wanted to try and steer the game subtly, leading from below rather than trying to place myself in a leadership (and therefore more risky!) position.

How competitive are you? A little healthy competition never hurt anyone! I have always had a strong drive to succeed and a willingness to work hard to achieve my goals. I’m highly self-motivated, resilient, determined and am always looking for ways to improve and outperform others. I always have a clear sense of what I want to achieve and I’m willing to take the risks and face challenges to get there. I also have no issue with bouncing back from setbacks and failures, seeing these as new opportunities to learn and grow.

What kind of challenges were you most looking forward to? I knew I wouldn’t be the most physically fit, but I work well in a team and enjoy more mental and strategic challenges. I was excited about the team games and puzzles!

How did you cope with living on a beach with no home comforts? Not well, but better than I expected in some ways. It really made me realise how much I don’t need certain things, and I really enjoyed not being attached to my phone all of the time. I will never forget sleeping under the stars or learning how to build and maintain a fire. There are some incredible, seemingly basic things that can be the most meaningful and comforting. Surprisingly not being able to shower wasn’t as bad as I thought, the sea is a great alternative! But things like not having a towel to dry-off, not being able to brush our teeth, and of course no Prosecco brunches, were not my favourite!

How did you cope with the hunger? I am mega grumpy when I’m hungry! So not well, I was so tired and desperate for food all of the time! It definitely made me realise how privileged I am at home to be able to eat what I want at home and was a reminder not take that for granted.

What did you learn from being on the show or what is the biggest takeaway? That I am more capable than I give myself credit for and to believe in myself."