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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 5: "Loose Lips Sink Ships" Filmed: March 25-27, 2007?
Airdate: June 28, 2007
Ep.5 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
Spoilers - Click to jump to: Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
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Pirate Master episode 5 detailed Boot spoilers/ speculation
   Someone will be cast out. Set adrift, with only a flickering lamp, plus a camera crew, spot light, boom mic and rescue boat for company. Oh, the tragedy.
   Once again, with no sourced spoilers, we're forced to go the traditional route of vidcap analysis, and use process of elimination to narrow down the options for the bootee.

   As mentioned before (mostly on the crews page), there are two shots below that tell the boot story of this episode: (1) Joe Don and Joy are both visible on the white (outcast) crew, which we've pegged as taking place in Episode 7 (two episodes hence). Thus, Joe Don and Joy should be the next two people booted. (2) We also see Joe Don and Nessa together on the red crew, which hasn't happened yet, and can't be in Ep5. So....

Future expedition/ voting pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
white crew joe don and nessa on red crew  

    So who goes this episode? Joy leaves the ship.

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