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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 6: "Lambs to the Slaughter" Filmed: March 28-30, 2007?
Airdate: 9 p.m., July 5, 2007
Ep.6 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 6 detailed captain & officers spoilers/ speculation
captain and officers    Will the previous occupant of the blue jacket be displaced, and if so, will it be a bloody coup, or a simple unseating by superior treasure hunting? So many exciting questions.

   CBS does provide three hints that swear some change in the captain's cabin is coming here:
"- Mutiny is the word on the Pirates' breaths as their powerful captain becomes flush with privilege.
- A secret society forms within the crew in an attempt to steer the remaining voyage.
- Splitting the treasure has brought out the best in the crew...will changing that system bring out the worst?"

   There are two possibilities:
- The black crew wins, and Azmyth decides to keep half of their win. This fits with the clues above, and with the CBS ads, which shows a Laurel confessional, in which she's calling someone (CBS implies Azmyth) "a greedy idiot." Ben (in his officer's jacket) also has a confessional about some surprising event which he's okay with, since it's a game and all - this would fit with Azmyth (and the officers) keeping a bigger cut. It also fits with the preview's implication that the Azmyth/Ben/Jay triumvirate is powerful, which would seem a stretch if they're displaced from office a whopping two days after their election, by losing a challenge.
- The red crew wins, and in a fit of gleeful insanity, re-elect Joe Don as their captain, who proceeds to take his customary 50% cut, to which they all immediately object. But this seems a bit far-fetched, even for this set of reality TV contestants.

   So we'd guess Azmyth remains captain, keeping Ben and Jay as officers.

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