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November, 2020

Doing their best, despite...  
Jeff Pitman's Gabon rewatch recaps
Episodes 3-4: Doing their best, despite...

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 29, 2020

For Survivor: Gabon's second pair of episodes, balance comes to Gabon, in the form of Fang briefly not sucking, an idol find, and a tribe swap (after which Fang resumes sucking). Strategic decisions are made, and even if they end up not being optimal, at least they're trying. It's the most we can ask.

Jeff Pitman's Gabon rewatch recaps
Episodes 1-2: Yea, though I walk through through the valley of death...

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 23, 2020

Gabon's opening two hours take some good steps forward for the show, mostly in the area of being high-definition. It's otherwise a fairly pedestrian assortment of poor production choices, a cast with spotty interest in playing the game, and a location that doesn't quite work as advertised.

Jeff Pitman's Fiji rewatch recaps
Episodes 13-14: The king of Fiji receives his crown

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 11, 2020

There's a lot going on in the final two episodes of Survivor: Fiji, but they contain the complete story of the Yau-Man/ Dreamz truck deal, and put some finishing flourishes on Earl's unanimous victory. It's the hero story of Earl Cole, king of Fiji. It's also the tragedy of Dreamz, consumed by the game.

Jeff Pitman's Fiji rewatch recaps
Episodes 11-12: Here's where the Pagonging comes in

By Jeff Pitman | Published: November 1, 2020

As we wind our way to the final pair of Fiji episodes, it's understandable that every episode pair can't be a home run. Here in Episodes 11 and 12, the remnants of the Horsemen are slowly being dispatched, and there's not much they can do about it. Sadly, an idol sits there, waiting to be found, but it isn't. Oh well.


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