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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 12: "A Sinking Ship" Filmed: September 5-7, 2009
Airdate: April 29, 2010
Episode 12: IC1 | HII | Boot1 | IC2 | Boot2 | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 12 hidden idol spoiler/speculation summary
(s19) hidden idol      Once again, there should be a hidden idol back in circulation. Although with no RC, there's no obvious clue-dispensing mechanism. Temporary reprieve?

   We can only hope. Or we did, at least briefly, until CBS quashed that with their press release: "WITH ALLIANCES TEETERING ON SHAKY GROUND, EVERYONE IS SCRAMBLING FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL." Feh.

   As always, blackwhale is at the ready with another story relating to this: "The person who actually gets the next idol is Sandra after Jeff Probst announces the clue at the water bucket challenge. I thought there may have been one other idol for Russell, but I was wrong. It is Sandra who hangs on to it until the final 6. Nobody knew she had it and was shocked when she pulled it out on day 36. They go on a mad dash when they get back to camp from the challenge, but when Rupert plays pretend with the rock, they all give up."

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