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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 10: "Going Down in Flames" Filmed: September 2-4, 2009
Airdate: April 22, 2010
Episode 10: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 10 detailed boot spoiler/speculation summary
tribal council    Continuing with the boot order that was spoiled during the summer/early fall of 2009, this week, the Heroes and Villains tribe have merged dead even, 5-to-5, but someone has to get booted. As spoiled by SurvivorsUnite, that person is J.T.

   As far as spoilers go, this boot has also been much-discussed, although the exact mechanism of how it goes down remains somewhat confusing. A brief timeline of spoiler talk:
- missyae (9/29/09): "J.T. was there and instead of being known as the guy who won his season and swept the voting - now he will be known as one of the dumbest players ever for what he fell for."
- missyae (wrong, 10/4/09): "JT did not make the jury. His blunder was pre jury and it came at the hands of the Evil One."
- SurvivorsUnite (10/8/09): "JT goes home b/c TWO idols are played, here."
- SurvivorsUnite (10/26/09): [J.T. is the 10th player booted].
- SurvivorsUnite (10/27/09): "merge is NOT at 12. It's at 10. 5 on 5, which is where the Villians work the Heroes like their b***hes, and JT, well, its gonna be exciting."
- SurvivorsUnite (11/28/09): "Actually, Russell begins the chain of events that take JT down, he begins the 'tricking. Parvati, Sandra, Jerri, Danielle all have a part in taking him out. It will be fun."
- missyae (12/1/09): "If J.T. is going to be bitter at anyone it should be Parvati - shes the one who is responsible for zapping him with 2 idols at 1 tribal council."

   So... multiple hidden idols get played, and J.T. ends up getting booted. We'd guess the Villains manage to get the Heroes to split their votes to avoid a 5-5 tie, and both of those targets are handed hidden idols to protect themselves, leaving the Villain votes against J.T. as the only ones counted.

   Updates: Additional details from blackwhale's first post in the spoiler thread at Sucks... "Many people think 1 hero and 1 villain play the idols at the merge tribal council. This isn't true. Parvati hands an idol to Sandra and another to Jerri. She's told by Amanda that the heroes are voting for Sandra. Sandra and Jerri play the idols and JT is eliminated." Also, "Initially the boot target is Parvati until she wins immunity." And finally, "Jerri gets the 5 [Heroes'] votes. Amanda tells Parvati it's Sandra, but Amanda is lying."

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