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Abandon all hope, it's the True Dork Times'
2004 Presidential Potshot Parade
(Because if we don't make fun of these guys, who will?)
Now in two flavors: Democrat, or Republican

Now playing:
"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire's Lapdog?"
The Democratic VP Sweepstakes
So this joker is: Strengths Liabilities VP chances

Dick Gephardt

63, U.S. Rep, MO
- Would be payback for taking the fall in Iowa: putting a hit on Dean, while Kerry reaped the profits.
- Architect of the Democrats' spectacular defeat in the 2002 mid-term elections.
- Americans getting used to answering "Who's the VP?" with "Oh, some Dick."
- If he works at it until November, might be able to pull in all two of those union voters who supported him in Iowa.
- Not unlike Bob Dole, minus the charisma.


John Edwards

50, Senator, NC
- "I'll do everything I can," even shine Mr. Kerry's shoes! Please! Pick me!
- Well-versed at the number two spot.
- Not like he has anything better to do next year.
- Karl Rove's recurring wet dream is having a former trial lawyer as an opponent.
- Better-looking and better-spoken than the boss usually means unhired.


Hillary Clinton

57, Senator, NY
- Liberals love her.
- Gosh, Mr. Kerry, I swear I have no plans to leave the Senate for the Executive Branch.
- Conservatives hate her. Moderates undecided, could go either way.
- Yet another Democratic Senator from a state with a Republican governor. Unlikely.
- Hair might compete with Kerry's.


Bob Graham

67, Senator, FL
- Good at taking notes.
- Might be able to pull enough strings to counter Jeb's efforts in FL this time.
- People outside of Florida still mistake him for an evangelist preacher.
- Do we really need another VP with heart problems?
- Allegedly a nice guy. That'll never do.


Evan Bayh

48, Senator, IN

- Edwards' clone, but from a state Kerry might actually have a chance to win.

- Two words: Dan Quayle.

John McCain

68, Senator, AZ

- Seeming slam dunk in election, if named. Could the Democrats really be that smart? Nah, we didn't think so.
- He's hosted Saturday Night Live! (Then again, so has Sharpton).

- Republicans aren't looking to lose Senate seats.
- Might not take Rove long to dig up 2000 primary hit pieces.

Long shot

Ralph Nader

70, Mediawhore, US
- Would prevent the party from whining about losing the election because he refused to drop out. - Would create the opportunity for the party to whine about losing the election because he agreed to be on the ticket.
He wishes

Also playing:
"Where's My New Dick?"
The Republican VP Sweepstakes
So this joker is: Strengths Liabilities VP chances

Dick Cheney

63, US Vice President
- Well, someone has to run the government from an undisclosed location.
- Has already gone the extra mile and told the world he doesn't want his daughter to marry.
- Received a vote of confidence from Bush, always a bad sign.
- I'm presumin' I could be kinda human, if I only had a heart.
- Energy Task Force, Halliburton... eh, who'll remember those after 9/11?


Rudolph Giuliani

60, former mayor, NYC
- New York convention, held around 9/11, Bush hopes to have bin Laden dead or alive by then... what could top it? - Pesky Republicans keep chattering on and on about marriage being a "Sacred Institution."
- New York would still probably be a blue state.


Colin Powell

67, US Secretary of State
- Cheney's bunker far more comfy than dealing with foreign diplomats 24/7.
- Favored over Cheney in a national poll.
- Has spent so much time appeasing him, might actually be able to name the leader of Pakistan when the boss gets quizzed on it.
- Michael already has a job, so no further incentive to keep sucking up.
- Might have to keep hearing that Chris Rock joke over and over again.


Condoleezza Rice

49, US National Security Advisor

- Seems to actually enjoy parroting the administration line whenever possible.
- The extra Z is for "Zippy."

- Being the administration's designated scapegoat for 9/11 (apart from Dick Clarke, of course) may take up most of her time.

Elizabeth Dole

68, Senator, NC

- Being a recently-elected Senator from North Carolina? Seems to have a ring to it....

- Unlucky last name.
- Let's just mention that Bob needed a little blue pill, and leave it at that.



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